方法/步骤 1 ExcelVBA do while loop循环的用法上次分享了VB中for循环的用法,这次给大家分享do while loop 的用法。2 Sub aaa()dim aDo While a < 900。。。中间加代码。。。 LoopEnd Sub当a小于900的时候,loop以内的代码循环。3 这里就多分享几个实例给大家,都是我刚学的时候写的东西。现在工作用得...
1 do loop相关的循环方法包括三种:a. do...loopb. do while...loopc. do until...loop本文将通过两种循环方法,对Excel数据进行整理,即do while...loop、do until...loop。2 第一种方法do while...loop:while:类型if语句,当满则某个条件时才进行循环操作。do while...loop 3 功能要求:利用do w...
ExcelVBA入门教程,无限循环语句DO LOOP,制作整蛊游戏学浪计划 - 快学excel于20200630发布在抖音,已经收获了16.3万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Statement: The line(s) of code are you want Do While Loop to execute condition is true. Loop: It’s the end statement for one iteration of the loop and tells VBA to move back to test the condition again. Example to Understand the DO While Loop To understand Do While Loop, let’s w...
Write the following line of code in the dialog box. Sub loopexample() Dim counter As Integer counter = 1 Do While counter < 5 Cells(counter, "D").Value = counter counter = counter + 1 Loop After writing the code close the window by clicking on the cross(x) icon the the upper righ...
如下图所示。5 然后,在代码窗口中的DoLoop循环语句中,输入IF语句,用于根据条件跳出循环语句,如下图所示。6 最后,在设计窗口上,鼠标左键单击按钮,可以看到表格中的,DoLoop循环语句会通过计算把数据赋值给单元格中,如下图所示。通过这样的操作,就学会用VBA的DoLoop循环语句了。
Excel VBA---之do loop循环 简介 循环语句:do...Loop的使用方法及其基本案例说明。工具/原料 Excel软件 方法/步骤 1 1、do...Loop:循环语句,直至满足条件后退出。2 2、在VBE中编写代码:Sub doLoop()Dim a%Doa = a + 1If a > 10 Then Debug.Print ("a已经超过10了,该停止了!") Exit DoEn...
接下来介绍Do…Loop语句的用法。在下面的示例中,内层的Do…Loop语句循环到第10次时将标志值设置为False,并用Exit Do语句强制退出内层循环。外层循环则在检查到标志值为False时,退出该循环,其代码如下: Dim Check, Counter Check = True: Counter = 0 ' 设置变量初始值。 Do ' 外层循环。 Do While Counter <...
Once the condition becomes false, looping stops and VBA exits the loop. The While condition can be tested either at the start or the end of the loop. This implies that the condition may be checked before the execution of the code block or after it. The testing of the While condition ...
Loop will run until the k value reaches 10. Once the amount has passed 10 loops, it will stop. You can run this code using shortcut key F5 or manually to see the result. Example #3 - Exit Statement in Do While Loop We can also exit the loop while the condition is still TRUE only...