'objFile.Name = strNewFileName <===this can be used to JUST RENAME, and not copy'The below line can be uncommented to MOVE the files AND rename between folders, without copying'objFile.Move strDestFolder & "\" & strNewFileName'End If 'where conditional check, if applicable would be...
When you try to copy and paste a file on the same location there are high chances that VBA shows you an error. In this situation, the best way is to rename the file while copying it. Call myFile.CopyFile("C:\Users\puneet\Desktop\folder\test-file.xlsx", "C:\Users\puneet\Desktop\"...
Issues with .xlsm Files and Macros After Uploading to OneDrive Hello everyone! There have been persistent issues with .xlsm documents that contain macros/VBA after uploading them to OneDrive. A function was added in VBA to update the last modified date of the workbook: Function LastModifiedDate(...
This tutorial shows how to call an Excel VBA Macro from a C# Console application. The tasks to be performed are to: - Open the Excel File and Run a Macro that populates the workbook - Copy the Excel File to a "Copy" Excel file ...
One Excel Workbook to another Workbook(Located locally on the same machine). This will help me consolidate the data am receiving from my peers to a master file. Ideally there should be a VBA button on the source workbook if i click on it, that should trigger copying to the Master ...
To see the steps for copying a macro from one workbook to another, in any version of Excel, please watch this short video tutorial. Thewritten instructions are below the video. Play Copy Excel VBA Code From a Different Workbook You may find code in a sample workbook online, and decide to...
Copying files using the ForEach-Object commandlet Correct regular expression for IP in Powershell Count and AD group membership Count Child Items for AD Computer Objects Count computers in each OU. Count disabled users in group count files in folder by date count multiple instances of the same ...
Method 5: Using VBA Code Step 1Press ALT+F11 or ALT+Fn+F11 (Windows versions) to access the Visual Basic Editor. open VBA Step 3: Click on the Insert drop-down menu. Click Insert Step 4: Select the Module option. Select Module ...