这段VBA代码实现了将源工作簿中除了名为"Sheet1"的工作表外的所有工作表复制到一个新的工作簿中。你可以根据自己的需求修改代码中的路径和文件名。 Excel VBA中的相关对象有Workbook(工作簿)、Worksheet(工作表),通过操作这些对象可以完成对Excel文件中各个工作表的处理。
多sheet表。在被写入的文件中写入VBA Public filepath As StringPublic excelapp As New Excel.Application dim x,y,n,m as longfilepath="你要读取的原数据文件路径+文件名+文件后缀" '可设为字符变量Set Workbook = excelapp.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=filepath)with excelapp.application n=excelapp.sheets(...
CopyDataToWorkbook是一个辅助函数,用于将数据从源工作表复制到新工作簿中。 根据你的具体需求,可能需要调整代码,例如更改遍历的列、处理空值或特殊字符等。 4. 保存并运行宏 在VBA编辑器中,保存你的宏,并返回Excel。你可以通过“开发工具”选项卡中的“宏”按钮来运行你的宏。 这个宏将遍历当前工作簿中的每个工...
Sheets("Sheet5").Move After:=Sheets(1) This code will move “Sheet5” before “Sheet2” as you can see in the above snapshot. Copy a Sheet to the New Workbook When you use the copy method without defining any sheet in the current workbook, VBA opens a new workbook and copies that...
Sub 宏1() ' ' 宏1 宏 ' '如果不需要程序的人机交互可以主动关闭更新和告警会一定程度上提高运行效率, Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False Dim newbook As Workbook For i = 2 To 18 '从“汇总”的工作簿的表1的sheet中筛选出符合sheet5 D列单元格的值(D列的值从第1...
With Sheets(desSheetName) '输出数据 .Range("a1:M10000").ClearContents .Range("a1").CopyFromRecordset rs End With rs.Close cnn.Close Set rs = Nothing Set cnn = Nothing End Sub’’’ 套接字添加 IMEX=1 后得到解决 VBA ADO连接语法及常用关键字和参数 ...
Sub AutoInputValNewExcel() Dim sh1, sh2 As Worksheet Dim ws1, ws2 As Workbook Set ws1 = Workbooks(1) Set ws2 = Workbooks(2) Set sh1 = Workbooks(1).She
1. Use the Worksheet.copyfrom() method to copy a worksheet to another worksheet in the same Excel file: prettyprint //Load Excel file Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); workbook.LoadFromFile("DoughnutChart.xlsx"); //Get sheet1 Worksheet sheet1 = workbook.Worksheets[0]; ...
Enter some data in Sheet1 at A1:B10 Press Alt+F11 to open VBA Editor Insert a Module for Insert Menu Copy the above code and Paste in the code window Save the file as macro enabled workbook Press F5 to run it Now you should see the required data (from sheet1) is copied to the ta...
VBA 在 Excel 中的常用操作 文件操作 引用打开的工作簿 使用索引号(从 1 开始) Workbooks(1) 使用工作簿名称 Workbooks("1.xlsx") 创建一个 EXCEL 工作簿对象 Dim wd As Excel.Application...wb.Close wd.Quit 打开/保存/关闭工作簿 Dim wb As Workbook wb = Workbooks.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & "...