I am using the following code: Worksheets(sheetname).Range(.Cells(2, LastColData), .Cells(LastRowData, LastColData)).ClearContents To do this, however I am getting an error at the first .Cells section, why is this? vba excel Share Improve this question Follow asked Oct 25, 2013 ...
就是要有“绿色小三角”出现时才符合要求 ===2情况实例=== 所以
1 VBA to clear contents of cell if range is empty 4 Clear the contents of columns B to F if cell A is empty 0 Clear contents of column if condition is met 0 Clear contents in Cells based on String/empty cell 2 Excel VBA delete entire row if both columns B...
(1) 进行手动获取外部数据(1)步骤前,单击“工具”菜单中的“宏”,选择“录制新宏”,在“宏名”的编辑框中键入宏名dbftoxls,按“确定”键; (2) 完成手动获取外部数据(1)-(8)步骤; (3) 单击“工具”菜单中的“宏”,选择“停止录制”。这样就将获取外部数据的过程记录为宏。 (4) 编辑dbftoxls宏,...
'几种用VBA在单元格输入数据的方法: Public Sub Writes() '1-- 2 方法,最简单在 "[ ]" 中输入单元格名称。 1 [A1] = 100 '在 A1 单元格输入100。 2 [A2:A4] = 10 '在 A2:A4 单元格输入10。 '3-- 4 方法,采用 Range(" "), " " 中输入单元格名称。
Sub Clearsheet() Sheets("Sheet1").Cells.Delete End Sub Delete Entire Worksheet Method Another option in Excel VBA is to completely remove the worksheet from the file. This action requires a simple alteration in the VBA code: instead of clearing contents or deleting cells, you directly delete ...
Below is the VBA code that removes leading space characters from the selected cells, and thiscode can be used to remove any leading spaces from the text in the selected cells. Sub RemoveLeadingSpaces() Dim selectedRange As Range Dim cell As Range ...
Excel VBA语句集 定制模块行为 (1) Option Explicit '强制对模块内所有变量进行声明 Option Private Module '标记模块为私有,仅对同一工程中其它模块有用,在宏对话框中不显示 Option Compare Text '字符串不区分大小写 Option Base 1 '指定数组的第一个下标为1...
Way 1: Excel Unprotect Cell with PassFab for Excel - [No Password] Way 2: Excel Unprotect Cells with Known Password Way 3: How to Unprotect a Cell in Excel via Zip Way 4: How to Unlock Protected Cells in Excel through VBA [2010 and Lower] Table: Which Method is Fast and Safe,...
Dis the last columninthe filter range.'You can also add the sheet name to the code likethis:...