1 首先建立一张表格,并建立简单的表格的格式,利用表格的格式可以简单的说明vbDefaultButton4属性,直观明了的看到结果,如下图所示:2 点击按钮的右键,找到指定宏,就可以进入到模块一,方便可以将vbDefaultButton4属性编辑出来,如下图所示:3 进入到vba的project项目模式下,在模块一中可以编写代码,提现vbDefault...
Private Sub conCommandButton_Click()Dim iTmp As IntegerWith UsFormDateControlSelect Case conCommandButton.NameCase "Year-"iTmp = .Controls("ComboBoxYear").ValueIf iTmp <> 1900 Then .Controls("ComboBoxYear").Value = iTmp - 1Case "Year+"iTmp = .Controls("ComboBoxYear").ValueIf iTmp...
1.在Excel 的工作表上有如下几个Option Button,一个Process按钮 2.新增一个Sheet,Sheet Name命名为Temp,把选择的Option Button对应的值存放到Temp这个Sheet的A2单元格,使用的时候,判断A2单元格的数值,从而判断出选择了 哪个Option Button按钮。 3.选择Option Button按钮,关联Temp页的A2单元格 选中Option Button,点鼠...
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()N = Range(\"B1\")If N = 1 Then R = Selection.Row S = Str(R + 32) & Chr(58) & Mid(Str(R + 32), 2, Len(Str(R + 32)))Rows(S).Select Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown N = N + 1 Range(\"B1\") = N Range(\"B2\") = R...
[vba]-Excel VBA命令(转) 本示例为设置密码窗口 (1) If Application.InputBox("请输入密码:") = 1234 Then [A1] = 1 '密码正确时执行 Else: MsgBox "密码错误,即将退出!" '此行与第2行共同设置密码 End If 本示例为设置密码窗口 (1) X = MsgBox("是否真的要结帐?", vbYesNo)...
Function newAddCom(tempForm As msforms.UserForm, bArr, Topi As Integer, Lefti As Integer, P As Boolean)Dim i As Integer Dim iX As Integer iX = UBound(bArr)Dim bObj As msforms.CommandButton For i = 0 To iX Set bObj = tempForm.Controls.Add("Forms.CommandButton.1", bArr(i))With ...
This is the final form with a toggle button. Step 5 – Connect the Worksheet Toggle Button with the UserForm Double-click on Sheet, under Project – VBA Project. Copy and paste the VBA code shown below. VBA Code: Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click() UserForm.Show False End Sub Click on the...
Click the first option button (Pass). Go to the Developer tab. Confirm that the Design Mode is active. Right-click option button (Pass). Select View Code. The VBA code window will open. Enter the following VBA code in the code window: Private Sub Option1_Click() If Option1.Value = ...
ActiveSheet.ShowDataForm End Sub 有一个默认的数据输入表单,可用于数据输入。 70.使用目标搜索 Sub GoalSeekVBA() Dim Target As Long On Error GoTo Errorhandler Target = InputBox("Enter the required value", "Enter Value") Worksheets("Goal_Seek").Activate ...