然后使用`For Each cell In ws.UsedRange`循环遍历每个单元格。在循环中,通过`cell.Value = " " & cell.Value & " "`在单元格的内容前后添加` `标签。接下来通过`If cell.Font.Bold`检查单元格是否为重点词,如果是,则使用`cell.Value = " " & cell.Value & ""`添加` `标签。 请注意,这些示例代码...
VBA代码:如果单元格值大于或小于特定值,则清除整行 Sub ClearRowInValue() Updateby ExtendOffice Dim xRg As Range Dim xStrAddress As String Dim xStrValue As Integer Dim xCell As Range Dim xRowRg As Range Dim xF As Integer Dim xBol As Boolean xStrAddress = "D2:D12" Change cell range x...
Range("MyCell").Value=1'使用了单元格的名称 Range("A1:B10").Value=1 Range("A1, A3, A5")="XYZ" Range("A1","B10")=1 strValue = [A1:B1] Range(Cells(0,0),Cells(5,5)).Clear Range("A:A").EntireColumn.AutoFit'自动调整A列宽度 Range对象常用的成员如下所示: Row, Column:返回Range...
以下是vba自定函数,可以求加总,计数,平均数。将以下vba载入 "模块" ,跟著关掉vba编辑窗口。Private Function bycol(target As Range, sample As Range, xtype As String)Dim cell As Range, xsum, xcntFor Each cell In targetIf cell.Interior.ColorIndex <> sample(1).Interior.ColorIndex Then GoTo 888...
For Each Cell In Range("G9:G13")Cells(Cell.Row, "C").Clear Call Recursion(Cell.Resize(1, 8))Next End Sub Sub Recursion(Rng As Range)Dim Cntius As Long Dim arr As Variant Dim i As Long If Rng.Count = 1 Then arr = Array(Rng.Value)Else arr = Application.Transpose(...
Sub mynzA() '利用CELL语句对单元格赋值实例 Cells(11, 1).Value = 2 Range(Cells(13, 1), Cells(14, 2)).Value = 5 End Sub 代码截图: 代码讲解:以上语句利用了Cell语句来表述单元格,第一句Cells(11, 1).Value = 2,是将值2输入到第11行和第1列的交点单元格中;第二句Range(Cells(13, 1), ...
filterrange = Trim(.Cells(2, "C").Value) End With '循环筛选,添加到数组,重复的不添加 Dim item_array() As String Dim item_count As Long With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("原数据") Dim itemcell For Each itemcell In .Range(filterrange) ...
Selection.Value = Sheet4.[F1] '把 Shee4 工作表单元格 F1 数据,读到任何你点选的单元格。 End Sub 'VBALesson3 程序说明: '如何利用 Worksheet_SelectionChange 输入数据的方法。 Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Excel VBA-常用代码 (1) Option Explicit ‘强制对模块内所有变量进行声明 (2) Option Base 1 ‘指定数组的第一个下标为1 (3) On Error Resume Next ‘忽略错误继续执行VBA代码,避免出现错误消息 (4) On Error GoTo 100 ‘当错误发生时跳转到过程中的某个位置...