vba Sub CheckCellContainsCharacter() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim cell As Range Dim searchString As String Dim charPosition As Integer ' 设置工作表 Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' 假设工作表名为Sheet1 ' 设置要检查的单元格 Set cell = ws.Range("A1") ' 假设要检查的单元格是A1 ' 设...
In this article we will demonstrate how to use VBA code to clear the contents of a cell if it contains various content, such as a numeric value, date, text, specific value, or blank and conditional formatting. Example 1 – Clear Contents If Cell Contains Numeric Value To clear cells if ...
It will display the message“Jennifer Marlo appeared in Physics exam.”as the cellC12contains a value of50. Examples Involving If Cell Contains a Value Then a Specified Output with Excel VBA We’ve learned to analyze if a cell contains a value or not in VBA. Now, let’s explore some ex...
在宏对话框中不显示 Option Compare Text ‘字符串不区分大小写 Option Base 1 ‘指定数组...
If-Else Nested IFs IF – Or, And, Xor, Not If Or If And If Xor If Not If Comparisons If – Boolean Function Comparing Text VBA If Like If Loops If Else Examples Check if Cell is Empty Check if Cell Contains Specific Text Check if cell contains text If Goto Delete Row if Cell is...
Excel IF语句"if cell contains“多个输出选项 Excel IF语句是一种逻辑函数,用于根据给定条件的真假来执行不同的操作。当需要根据某个单元格中的内容来进行判断并输出不同的结果时,可以使用"if cell contains"多个输出选项。 具体的语法格式如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("关键词", A1))...
VBA代码:检查用户窗体中的文本框是否为空 Sub CheckTextBox() Dim fTextBox As Object Dim xTxtName As String Dim xEptTxtName As String For Each fTextBox In UserForm1.Controls If TypeName(fTextBox) = "TextBox" Then If fTextBox.Text = "" Then xEptTxtName = xEptTxtName & fTextBox.Nam...
cellWords = 0 Else cellWords = 1 EndIf A cell can contain more than one word of course. That's exactly what we want to find out now. As an example we take: "excel vba". If a cell contains at least one space at this stage, it contains at least one more word. You can use the...
用 instr 函数可以字符串中是否有指定字符。你的表达方式与常人不同,不知是不是你希望的结果 if instr(cellval,"分类")>0 then sht分类 = 10 if instr(cellval,"月数")>0 then sht月数 = 20 if instr(cellval,"考核分数")>0 then sht考核分数 = 30 ...
=IF(EXACT(A2,$C$1), "Yes", "") If cell contains specific text string (partial match) We have finished with trivial tasks and move on to more challenging and interesting ones :) To check if a cell contains specific a given character or substring as part of the cell content, you can...