上述代码中,我们首先声明了一个名为myVariable的变量,类型为Variant,Variant类型可以存储任何类型的数据。然后,使用Range对象的Value属性将单元格A1的值赋给myVariable变量。 这样,myVariable变量就存储了单元格A1的值,我们可以在后续的代码中使用该变量进行计算、判断等操作。 Excel VBA中的Range对象表示一个单...
Step 3:Using the defined variable VALUE, choose the value from the range cell B2. Code: SubVBA_GetCellValue3()DimValueAs StringValue = Range("B2").ValueEnd Sub Step 4:Use the message box to see the value stored in cell B2.
用 instr 函数可以字符串中是否有指定字符。你的表达方式与常人不同,不知是不是你希望的结果 if instr(cellval,"分类")>0 then sht分类 = 10 if instr(cellval,"月数")>0 then sht月数 = 20 if instr(cellval,"考核分数")>0 then sht考核分数 = 30 ...
1. Enter a Value in a Cell 2. Using an Input Box 3. From Another Cell 4. Set Value in an Entire Range Get Cell Value 1. Get Value from the ActiveCell 2. Assign to a Variable 3. Show in a MsgBox 1. Add a Number to an Existing Number ...
1.新建Excel 2.选择菜单”开发工具“ -》 ”Visual Basic“ 打开相应的VBA代码编辑窗口 3.选择 范围 - WorkSheet 选择 事件 - Change 4.输入如下代码 PrivateSubWorksheet_Change(ByValTargetAsRange)IfTarget.Column =1ThenThisRow=Target.RowIfTarget.Value >100ThenRange("B"& ThisRow).Interior.ColorIndex ...
The easy way to carry the value of a variable from one procedure to the other is by storing this value in any cell of the workbook: in the first procedure: Range("A3456").Value=Variable1 in the second procedure: Variable1=Range("A3456").Value You can also carry the variable itself ...
This chapter teaches you how to declare, initialize and display a variable in Excel VBA. Letting Excel VBA know you are using a variable is called declaring a variable. Initializing simply means assigning a beginning (initial) value to a variable.