、选取一个单元格: Range("A1").select Range("A" & 1).select Cells(1).select Cells(1, 1).select Cells(1, "A").select 2、选取连续单元格: Range("a1:b10").select Range("a1", "b10").select Range(Cells(1 , 1), Cells(10 , 2)).select 3、选取不连续单元格: Range("a1,b2,c3"...
Columns(2).Select 3. 下面的代码选中第8行。 Rows(8).Select 4. 如果想要选中多行,这么写: Rows("2:7").Select 5. 如果要选中多列,这么写: Columns("C:F").Select 6. 选中单元格B4, 下面的代码选中当前当前单元格B4所在的整行: ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select 7. 选中D7, 下面的代码在D7所在的列...
Cell Select / Unselect Allows you to unselect or deselect a cell within a group of selected cells.
转载]ExcelVBA中选取单元格的方法(转)、选取一个单元格: Range('A1').select Range('A' & 1).select Cells(1).select Cells(1, 1).select Cells(1, 'A').select 2、选取连续单元格: Range('a1:b10').select Range('a1', 'b10').select Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(10, 2)).select 3、选取...
在代码窗口中,定义单元格的字符变量和变量赋值语句,如下图所示。5 然后,在代码中输入使用Select方法语句,并输入消息提示语句,如下图所示。6 最后,在表格的单元格中,鼠标左键单击使用Select方法按钮,可以看到单元格区域被选择出来了,如下图所示。通过这样的操作,就学会用VBA的程序使用Select方法了。
Worksheets("SalesReport").Select Range("A1").AutoFilter Range("A1").AutoFilter Field:=6, Criteria1:=RGB(255, 0, 0), Operator:=xlFilterCellColor End Sub 下面的程序是通过Excel的AutoFilter功能快速删除行的方法,供参考: Sub DeleteRows3() ...
Hi! I have the following bit of code that, when I hit the ENTER key in column G, just selects the first three cells in the row, turns them to values, and then moves the cursor to column D on the next row. While perhaps not the best or fastest way to do
Method Arguments ---Activate none Cells rowIndex, columnIndex Application.Goto reference, scroll Offset rowOffset, columnOffset Range cell1cell1, cell2Resize rowSize, columnSize Select none Sheets index (or sheetName) Workbooks index (or bookName) End direction CurrentRegion none 本文中的示例使用下...
Method Arguments ---Activate none Cells rowIndex, columnIndex Application.Goto reference, scroll Offset rowOffset, columnOffset Range cell1cell1, cell2Resize rowSize, columnSize Select none Sheets index (or sheetName) Workbooks index (or bookName) End direction CurrentRegion none 本文中的示例使用下...