Private Sub btnNOT_Click() If Not (0 = 0) Then MsgBox "NOT evaluated to TRUE", vbOKOnly, "NOT operator" Else MsgBox "NOT evaluated to FALSE", vbOKOnly, "NOT operator" End If End Sub VBA If NOT 运算符 “If Not (0 = 0) Then”VBA If Not 函数使用 NOT 逻辑运算符来否定 if 语句...
2. OR运算符:在btnOR_Click中,如果产品存在或数量充足中的任何一个条件满足,就会执行相应的操作,如 If OR(productExists, sufficientQuantity) Then。3. NOT运算符:在btnNOT_Click中,如果产品不存在或数量不足,会执行某个操作,如 If NOT(productExists) Then。深入学习VBA逻辑运算符,可以帮助...
Top 22 VBA Interview Questions and Answers (2025) VBA If OR Operator “If (1 = 1) Or (5 = 0) Then”the if statement uses the OR logical operator to combine two conditions (1 = 1) And (5 = 0). If any of the conditions is true, the code above Else keyword is executed. If b...
=IF((B2>95)+(C2>95)+(D2>95),"优秀",""),原理本人猜测可能是:excel在执行逻辑判断中,只把0当成是false,而大于0或者小于0的数都被认为是true not 函数 对参数的逻辑值进行求反运算,俗称颠倒黑白,true时返回false,false返回true 关于not函数,再下用的也比较少,除了在vba编程中有时候会用到一点,在实际...
逻辑运算符包括了And、Or、Not、Eqv和Imp等。逻辑运算符的运行结果为True、False或者Null。常用逻辑运算符包括的内容如表3-10所示。 表3-10 逻辑运算符 1. And运算符 And表示“且”的意思。表示对连接的两个条件判断是否都为真,如果And左右两侧表达式都为True,那么用And运算结果就是True,否则的话,只要有一个...
In this example above, the IF statement is checking to see if the value in C5 is NOT smaller than 10000.Therefore this line of code:IF Range("C5") > 10000and this this line of code:IF NOT Range("C5") < 10000are testing for the same thing!VBA Code Examples Add-in Easily access ...
或 A or B且 A and B非 not A
The three most used logical operators in Excel VBA are: And, Or and Not. As always, we will use easy examples to make things more clear.
与:and 或:or 非:not if a=1 and b=1 then ...(如果a=1 并且b=1,则...)if a=1 or b=1 then ...(如果a=1或者b=1,则...)if not a=1 then ...(如果a不是等于1,则...,当然也可改为a<>1,举例而已)
Using the Or Logical Operator Using the Not Logical Operator Using the Xor Logical Operator Is Operator Like Operator VBA allows you to use the logical operatorsAnd,Or,Not,Xorto compare values. The operators are considered “Boolean”, which means they return True or False as a result. ...