' 获取当前活动的工作簿Set wb = ActiveWorkbook ' 获取包含当前VBA代码的工作簿 Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' 获取名为"example.xlsx"的工作簿 Set wb = Workbooks("example.xlsx") ' 获取Workbooks集合中的第一个工作簿 Set wb = Workbooks(1) 二、Workbook对象的常用方法和属性 Workbook对象提供了许多方法和属性...
ThisWorkbook.Activate ActiveWorkbook Once a workbook has been activated, it becomes theActiveWorkbook. To see the ActiveWorkbook you can use this line of code to fetch the ActiveWorkbook name: Msgbox ActiveWorkbook.Name VBA Coding Made Easy Stop searching for VBA code online. Learn more about AutoMac...
When we run this VBA code, it will activate the worksheet which is in the second position of the order. Now to test the functionality, let us move Sheet2 to the end. Now run the code and see what happens. This time it has selected the worksheet Sheet3 instead of Sheet2. This is ...
(121) ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Activate '当前工作簿中的第一个工作表被激活 (122) ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Rows(1).Font.Bold = True '设置工作表Sheet1中的行1数据为粗体 (123) ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Rows(1).Hidden = True '将工作表Sheet1中的行1隐藏 ActiveCell.EntireR...
做成excel 外接程序好处就是,代码不容易被篡改,使用相对更稳定,就代码升级没有VBA方便 主要有二段核心代码: 一、生成主要书签数据和生成饼状图 1publicvoid刷新主要数据()2{3try4{5app =Globals.ThisAddIn.Application;6excel.Workbook wbk = app.Workbooks["食堂报告模板2019.xls"];7excel.Worksheet wst1 = ...
Excel VBA语法200句 [VBA] 语法200句 定制模块行为 (1) Option Explicit '强制对模块内所有变量进行声明 Option Private Module '标记模块为私有,仅对同一工程中其它模块有用,在宏对话框中不显示 Option CompareText '字符串不区分大小写 Option Base 1 '指定数组的第一个下标为1...
Method 1 – Activate Another Workbook by Workbook Name in Excel VBA This example will help you activate another workbook by closing your existing workbook when you apply this VBA Macro and put your filename. Copy the following code and paste it into the above Module. Click on Run to see ...
Sub vba_thisworkbook() Dim myWB As Workbook Set myWB = ThisWorkbook With myWB .Activate .Sheets(1).Activate .Range("A1") = Now .Save .Close End With End Sub In the first part of this code, you have a variable and then assign “ThisWorkbook” property to it. And then in the second...
用上面的MAC替换掉 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts /ifcfg-eth0中的MAC 然后重启即可 还有一个办法...
Workbooks("BOOK2.XLS").Sheets("Sheet1").Activate ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(4,5), Cells(12,6)).Select 如何在活动工作表上选择命名范围 若要在活动工作表上选择命名范围“测试”,可以使用以下示例之一: VB Range("Test").SelectApplication.Goto"Test" ...