2. Validate 'k' Value: Always double-check the value of 'k' (the position of the largest value you want to retrieve) to ensure it falls within the valid range of your data. Using an incorrect 'k' value can lead to errors. 3. Use Absolute References: When referencing the array in t...
最后,dataValidate1.CreateErrorBox(title,text),用来创建出错时的提示信息。第一个参数表示提示框的标题,第二个参数表示提示框的内容。 理解了上面这些,创建一个整数类型的有效性验证也不难实现: sheet1.CreateRow(0).CreateCell(1).SetCellValue("数值列"); CellRangeAddressList regions2=newCellRangeAddressList(1...
valueList.add(""); } } //使用流的方式将 `valueList` 中的元素连接为一个字符串,使用 `_` 作为分隔符,并将结果作为方法的返回值。 return valueList.stream().collect(Collectors.joining("_")); } // 循环里调用 var filedValueKeys = CheckValidate(entityRowList.get(i), List.of("new_accountid...
在validateCellContent方法中,我们将具体校验每一个单元格的内容。以下是校验规则的示例代码: privatestaticvoidvalidateCellContent(Cellcell){StringcolumnName=cell.getSheet().getRow(0).getCell(cell.getColumnIndex()).getStringCellValue();StringcellValue="";switch(columnName){case"订单号":if(cell.getCell...
最后,dataValidate1.CreateErrorBox(title,text),用来创建出错时的提示信息。第一个参数表示提示框的标题,第二个参数表示提示框的内容。 理解了上面这些,创建一个整数类型的有效性验证也不难实现: sheet1.CreateRow(0).CreateCell(1).SetCellValue("数值列"); ...
Step 4.Use IS functions: Utilize ISNUMBER(), ISTEXT(), ISDATE(), etc., to validate cell data types before calculations. Step 5.Error handling: Implement IFERROR() or IF(ISERROR()) functions to handle errors gracefully and display custom messages. ...
Cube: Returns the value of a member property in the cube. Use to validate that a member name exists within the cube and to return the specified property for this member. CUBERANKEDMEMBER Cube: Returns the nth, or ranked, member in a set. Use to return one or more elements in a set,...
在VBA工程浏览器里双击你要控制的工作表,如Sheet1,添加Worksheet的change事件,就是当工作表里文本发生改变时触发该事件,参数是发生改变的区域。代码如下:Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)If Target.Text = "123" Then '如果选择的是123 Target.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, ...
validate => 'integer', criteria => '>', value => 100, }); #在下拉选项中选择值 $worksheet->data_validation('B5:B9', { validate => 'list', value => ['open', 'high', 'close'], }); get_name() 获取sheet表的名称,如下: ...
When you want to validate an entry based on another cell You can use data validation to create a rule for the data in one cell based on the information in other cells. This saves you the time of having to remake the same data validation rules over and over. When you want to re...