=IF(条件, 值_if_true, 值_if_false) 例如,判断A1是否大于10,如果是,则返回“合格”,否则返回“不合格”: =IF(A1 > 10,"合格","不合格") 3.4 VLOOKUP函数 (VLOOKUP Function) VLOOKUP函数用于在数据表中查找特定值。其语法为: =VLOOKUP(查找值, 表格数组, 列索引, [范围查找]) 例如,在A1单元格中查...
By default, the VLOOKUP function will return a #N/A error in case it doesn’t find an exact match. So to avoid getting the error, I have wrapped the VLOOKUP function in the IFERROR function, so that it gives “No Match” when the name is not available in column A. You can also ...
3. 使用范围查找时的错误 (Errors When Using Range Lookup) 当使用TRUE进行近似匹配时,确保table_array的第一列是按升序排列的,否则可能会返回错误的结果。 VLOOKUP的替代函数 (Alternatives to VLOOKUP) 在某些情况下,VLOOKUP可能不够灵活,这时可以考虑使用其他函数,如INDEX和MATCH组合,或者使用XLOOKUP(Excel 365及...
this article realized the party membership dues’ management and accountingand saved a lot of human and material resources by using the Excel Vlookup and IF functions.Key words: Excel software ; Vlookup function ; IF function ; tax ; party membership dues作者简介: 庄振春 (1965-),女, 高级实验...
VLOOKUP只能向右查找,不能向左查找。如果需要从右侧列查找,可以考虑使用INDEX和MATCH函数组合。 数据表的第一列必须是查找列,且该列的值必须是唯一的。 如果找不到匹配的值,VLOOKUP会返回错误值#N/A,可以使用IFERROR函数来处理这种情况。 二、使用INDEX和MATCH函数 (Using INDEX and MATCH Functions) ...
First of hello Community! I am using :Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2202 Build 16.0.14931.20272) 64-bit I need VLOOKUP and IF...
Excel Combination of IF and VLOOKUP Hello, I want to connect the If formula and VLOOKUP formula. I have a sheet in which not every zip code is present but the Citys are. I'm filling the gaps using a VLOOKUP and a second sheet with postal codes and citys as the matrix ...
If Sumif Countif Counta Vlookup Left, Right, Mid Trim Concatenate Len Max Min Days Networkdays SQRT Now Round Roundup Rounddown Sum =SUM(A1:A10) 或 =SUM(A1,A10) Sum 是最必要、最重要的函数,被用来对一系列单元格求和。 在这里的例子, 第一个函数,是从A1到A10全部相加。 第二个函数,计算的...
=VLOOKUP(E2, A2:B6, 2, FALSE) It’s value will come up as #N/A IFNA Function:Now, incorporate the `IFNA` function to handle missing values. =IFNA(VLOOKUP(E2, A2:B6, 2, FALSE), "Product Not Found") When pawpaw is found, `VLOOKUP` returns its price. If not found, `IFNA` repl...
Using IFERROR function in Excel to avoid problems Error messages are never fun. That’s why Excel has the IFERROR function. It allows you to catch error messages and replace them with a custom message or a value. Most importantly, the helpful IFERROR function ensures that your whole formula...