When I open one of my Excel spreadsheets, I get the warning: Upload Pending. I do not get this message when I open other Excel spreadsheets. Wondering why I get this warning message and how can I shut it off.
SetChart(sheet, ExcelChartType.BarClustered); var strFullName = @"D:\Data\Upload\" + "Export" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xlsx"; book.SaveToFile(strFullName, ExcelVersion.Version2010); } catch (Exception ex){} return Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } private ...
SetChart(sheet, ExcelChartType.BarClustered); var strFullName = @"D:\Data\Upload\" + "Export" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xlsx"; book.SaveToFile(strFullName, ExcelVersion.Version2010); } catch (Exception ex){} return Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } private ...
生成图表 SetChart(sheet, ExcelChartType.BarClustered);var strFullName = @"D:\Data\Upload\" + "Export" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xlsx"; book.SaveToFile(strFullName, ExcelVersion.Version2010); } catch (Exception ex) { } return Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); ...
In the previous blog we have covered how to create Create a custom Shared Memory Area and its class. In this Blog post we will cover the Part 2 section ofExcel Mass Upload in Background Job Using SHMA - Part 1: Create a Custom Shared Memory Area. ...
Upload of File Fill the data according to the file format and convert in text (Tab delimited) format. Go to the t.code:KE13 (This particular transaction code can be used for any excel upload in CO like KP26, KP06,KP46 etc.,) ...
g19=02g19=03pendingreviewupload Replies: 1 Forum:Excel Questions Y errror =IF(OR(F2="Archive DATA - ECA",I2="02 Pending PM Review",I2="03 Approved by PM"),ISBLANK(S2),"False",IF(OR(F2="Archive Data - Review",I2="02 Pending PM Review",I2="03 Approved by PM"),ISBLANK(S2...
Excel.CalcErrorCellValueSubType | "Unknown" | "ArrayOfArrays" | "ArrayOfRanges" | "EmptyArray" | "UnsupportedLifting" | "DataTableReferencedPendingFormula" | "TooManyCells" | "LambdaInCell" | "TooDeeplyNested" | "TextOverflow" | "RequestTooLarge" | "PythonGridQuery" | "PythonPowerQueryDat...
You can save an Excel dashboard to a static web page, save the Excel sheet as a PDF and upload it to your company Intranet, or add the file to Dropbox or another cloud storage tool and share the link. If you don’t need the Excel dashboard to live on the web, you can send it...