Count Unique Value With Multiple Criterias With Or Logic {=SUM(--(FREQUENCY(IF(condition1 + Condition2,MATCH(range,range,0)),ROW(range)-ROW(firstCell in range)+1)>0))} This generic formula can be used to count unique values with Or logic. It means, it will count if any of the ...
Count unique values with criteria To extract unique values based on certain criteria, you again use the UNIQUE and FILTER functions together as explainedin this example. And then, you use the ROWS function to count unique entries and IFERROR to trap all kinds of errors and replace them with ...
We have a dataset with Brand names, Device Categories, Model No, and Units Sold. We want to know how many brands (unique values) are selling notebooks (criteria) only. Why Use SUMPRODUCT to Count Unique Values with Criteria? You could use UNIQUE and FILTER functions instead of SUMPRODUCT. ...
IFERROR(ROWS(UNIQUE(FILTER(B5:B14, (C5:C14=F8) * (D5:D14>F9)*(D5:D14<F10))), 0): This IFERROR Function returns some specified text in case of an error. Otherwise it returns the result. Output: (3) Read More: How to Count Unique Text Values with Criteria in Excel Counting...
使用Excel 365 和 Excel 2021,UNIQUE 和 FILTER 等函数可以更直接地提取唯一值。 在空白单元格中输入以下公式,然后按 Enter 键一次垂直获取所有唯一名称。 =UNIQUE(FILTER(B2:B15,A2:A15=D2)) 这个公式的解释: FILTER(B2:B15, A2:A15=D2): FILTER:过滤 B2:B15 中的数据。
Select a blank cell where you will place the unique value’s counting result, type this formula =COUNTIF(I2:I7,">0") and press Enter key. See screenshot:Count unique values with multiple criteria with Kutools for Excel If you are confused with above formulas, you can apply Kutools for ...
criteria:您要基於的唯一值計數的條件; 請將以下公式複製或輸入到單元格中,然後按Enter返回結果的關鍵,請參見屏幕截圖: =ROWS(UNIQUE(FILTER(C2:C12,A2:A12=E2))) 公式說明: =ROWS(UNIQUE(FILTER(C2:C12,A2:A12=E2))) A2:A12=E2:此表達式檢查單元格 E2 中的值是否存在於 A2:A12 範圍內,並得到以下結果...
End the process of finding unique values by using the Ctrl+Shift+Enter combination: unique values multiple criteria result Using this formula for finding unique values with multiple criteria can be a bit tricky if you put the formula in the wrong cell or don’t define the range properly. This...
=UNIQUE(FILTER(A2:B10, C2:C10=F1)) Where A2:B10 is a range to search for unique values and C2:C10 is the range to check for the criteria. Filter unique values based on multiple criteria To filter unique values with two or more conditions, use the expressions like shown below to constr...
Diem_Carpe In D2 confirmed with Ctrl+Shift+Enter: =SUM(IF($A$2:$A$16=C2,1/COUNTIFS($A$2:$A$16,C2,$B$2:$B$16,$B$2:$B$16))) Fill down. Diem_Carpe In D2 confirmed with Ctrl+Shift+Enter: =SUM(IF(($A$2:$A$16=C2)*($B$2:$B$16<>""),1/COUNTIFS(...