1. 查阅官方文档:访问Excel的官方网站或帮助文档,查找关于#SPILL!错误的更多信息和解决方案。官方文档通常提供最准确、最权威的信息。2. 参与在线社区:加入Excel用户社区或论坛,与其他用户交流经验、分享技巧并寻求帮助。这些社区中往往有经验丰富的用户和专家,他们可能能够提供针对#SPILL!错误的有效解决方案。3. 联...
=SORT(UNIQUE(FILTER(C4:C14,C4:C14<>""))) C4:C14 is the name of the employee, ”” ignores blank cells. Things to Remember Name of ErrorsWhen Occurs #CALC! If the UNIQUE function cannot extract the unique values. #SPILL! If there is any value in the spill range from which the UN...
The term spilling or spill in Excel is the behavior when anarray formulathat hasmultiple values as a result, outputs or “spills” these results into neighboring (horizontal or vertical) cells, just not limited to the cell where the formula is present. This spill behavior isautomaticandnativein...
函数UNIQUE Excel 365 导致 Excel SPILL 错误问题描述 投票:0回答:1我需要在第一个表中找到唯一值并将其传输到第二个表。我想使用“独特”功能来做到这一点。在第一个表中,我有两列:日期和费用。在第二个表中,我想制作两列:唯一的日期以及该日期的费用金额。尝试使用 unique 函数写入时发生错误。其中,如果您...
UNIQUE(array, [by_col], [exactly_once]) array: The range or list from which you want to extractuniquevalues. by_col(optional): If set toTRUE, the function treats the array as columns; ifFALSE(or omitted), it treats the array as rows. ...
The UNIQUE function returns an array. Function Notes arraycan be supplied as a row of values, a column of values, or a combination of rows and columns of values. The result returned by UNIQUE will spill into a range of cells in the way your original data ofarrayis organized. ...
Every sheet view (even a temporary sheet view) has a unique, worksheet-scoped name that is used to access the view. Excel.Interfaces.NamedSheetViewUpdateData An interface for updating data on the NamedSheetView object, for use in namedSheetView.set({ ... }). Excel.Interfaces.NumberFormat...
Similarly, you can return values from multiple rows when performing a horizontal lookup. To put it differently, you can return an entire column of data relating to your lookup value. For example, to return all the values from theAmountcolumn, use "Amount" (F1) aslookup_value, the range A1...
Every sheet view (even a temporary sheet view) has a unique, worksheet-scoped name that is used to access the view. Excel.Interfaces.NamedSheetViewUpdateData An interface for updating data on the NamedSheetView object, for use in namedSheetView.set({ ... }). Excel.Interfaces.NumberFormat...
ShapeTextHorizontalOverflow ShapeTextOrientation ShapeTextReadingOrder ShapeTextVerticalAlignment ShapeTextVerticalOverflow ShapeType ShapeZOrder SheetVisibility ShowAsCalculation SlicerSortType SortBy SortDataOption SortMethod SortOn SortOrientation SpecialCellType SpecialCellValueType SpillErrorCellValueSubType Subtotal...