The Excel functionUNIQUEreturns the list of unique values from a range of cells or a table. Usage: =UNIQUE(array) or =UNIQUE(array, by_column, unique_values) List of Unique Values In this example, the aim is to obtain the unique list of countries from column A: ...
Return Value The UNIQUE function returns an array. Function Notes arraycan be supplied as a row of values, a column of values, or a combination of rows and columns of values. The result returned by UNIQUE will spill into a range of cells in the way your original data ofarrayis organized...
In large datasets, duplicate values or repeated occurrences of the same values can be a common issue. To address this, you can utilize the ExcelUNIQUEfunction, which returns a list of unique values from a specified range or list. Whether dealing with text, numbers, dates, or times, theUNIQU...
Excel’s COUNTA() function counts the number of cells in the referenced range that aren’t empty. UNIQUE() returns 0 when it encounters an empty cell in the source data and COUNTA() will count 0, so take care that your source data doesn’t have empty cells. Also notice that COUNTA()...
ChooseUniquesto identify unique cells only: Pick theUniques + 1st occurrencesoption to search for both uniques and first occurrences of duplicates: Tip.If you select a wrong option, you can always return and choose another by clicking theBackbutton. ...
求平均值公式:=AVERAGE(A1:A5)AVERAGE functionFunction: Find the average valueFormula:=AVERAGE (A1: A5)COUNT函数作用:计数参数:单元格、单元格引用、数字、单元格区域公式:=COUNT(A1:A5)COUNT函数会忽略非数字的区域,返回包含数字的单元格的个数COUNT functionFunction: CountingParameters: cells, cell ...
=UNIQUE(B2:I2,TRUE) Type the above formula in B4, pressEnter, and the results will spill horizontally into the cells to the right. Thus, you'll get the unique values in a row: Tip.To find unique values in a multi-column arrays and return them in one column or row, use UNIQUE tog...
If a match doesn't exist, then XLOOKUP can return the closest (approximate) match. XMATCH function Lookup and reference: Returns the relative position of an item in an array or range of cells. XNPV function Financial: Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows that ...
Method 2 – Using the Excel UNIQUE Function to Extract from a List Enter =UNIQUE in E5 to see the UNIQUE Function. Select an array: Product Name, here: C5:C12. Enter a comma, ”,”, and double-click False-Return unique rows. Close the bracket and press Enter. This is the output. ...
Returns a Range object that represents all the cells on the worksheet (not just the cells that are currently in use). Read-only. C# კოპირება public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range Cells { get; } Property Value Range Remarks Because the Item[Object] property is...