方法/步骤 1 下面一个表格中,要把单个表格里面两组数据分离出来。2 分出第一组数据函数LEFT(B4,FIND(" ",B4)),函数LEFT意思“从一个文本字符串的第一个字符开始返回指定个数的字符”,关键就是确定返回字符个数;函数FIND意思“返回一个字符串在另一个字符串中出现的起始位置”,函数FIND(" ",B4)返回字...
MID(string,left_chars+ 1, LEN(string) - (left_chars+right_chars) Where: chars_left- the number of characters to delete from left. chars_right- the number of characters to delete from right. Suppose you want to extract the username from a string likemailto:Sophia@gmail.com. For this, ...
1. LEFT函数 LEFT函数用于从字符串的左侧提取指定长度的字符。 其基本语法为:LEFT(文本,提取字符数)。 当需要从字符串中提取固定长度的前缀时,可以使用LEFT函数。比如,从一列身份证号中提取地区代码。可以使用公式:=LEFT(A2,6),如图所示: 2. RIGHT函数 RIGHT函数与LEFT函数相反,它从字符串的右侧提取指定长度的...
Place(5) = " Trillion " ' String representation of amount. MyNumber = Trim(Str(MyNumber)) ' Position of decimal place 0 if none. DecimalPlace = InStr(MyNumber, ".") ' Convert cents and set MyNumber to dollar amount. If DecimalPlace > 0 Then Cents = GetTens(Left(...
Method 3 – Using VBA to Trim Selected Characters from the Left Column This method works if you do not want to use a formula or function. Steps: Following is the string we want to trim: Right-click on the sheet name and select theView Codeoption to view theVBAwindow. ...
number | string | boolean | Excel.Range | Excel.RangeReference | Excel.FunctionResult<any> 要使用的日计数基础的类型。 返回 Excel.FunctionResult<number> 注解 [ API 集:ExcelApi 1.2 ] acos(number) 返回数字的反正弦值,以弧度为单位,范围为 0 到 Pi。 反余弦值是余弦为数字的角度。 acos(numb...
TRIM(B4): This function trims all extra spaces from the value in cellB4. Output:AdamSmith MID(TRIM(B4), 1, 1): TheMIDfunction extracts a substring from a string. Starting from position 1, it extracts the first character from the trimmed value. ...
=LEFT(包含要提取字符的文本串,提取的字符数) 用法举例: = LEFT (“大亚湾核电站”,3),结果等于:大亚湾 或= LEFT (A1,3) A1单元格中是:大亚湾核电站,结果等于:大亚湾 4、RIGHT: 描述:从右边提取字符的文本串 解释: =RIGHT(包含要提取字符的文本串,提取的字符数) ...