方法/步骤 1 下面一个表格中,要把单个表格里面两组数据分离出来。2 分出第一组数据函数LEFT(B4,FIND(" ",B4)),函数LEFT意思“从一个文本字符串的第一个字符开始返回指定个数的字符”,关键就是确定返回字符个数;函数FIND意思“返回一个字符串在另一个字符串中出现的起始位置”,函数FIND(" ",B4)返回字...
Now, all leading and trailing spaces are removed, while in-between spaces are reduced to a single space character: If you'd like to delete absolutelyall spacesinside a string, then additionally substitute the space character (code number 32) with an empty string: =TRIM(CLEAN((SUBSTITUTE(A2, ...
1. LEFT函数 LEFT函数用于从字符串的左侧提取指定长度的字符。 其基本语法为:LEFT(文本,提取字符数)。 当需要从字符串中提取固定长度的前缀时,可以使用LEFT函数。比如,从一列身份证号中提取地区代码。可以使用公式:=LEFT(A2,6),如图所示: 2. RIGHT函数 RIGHT函数与LEFT函数相反,它从字符串的右侧提取指定长度的...
05 Excel中清除多余的字符——SUBSTITUE、CHAR和VALUE函数 在Excel中,我们可以通过TRIM和CLEAN这两个函数...
LEFT/RIGHT:字符串裁剪者想要提取字符串的某部分?使用LEFT和RIGHT函数即可,快速又简单。 SUMIF:条件求和大师概括性地对符合特定条件的数据进行求和,提升分析效率。 MATCH:精准匹配器在复杂数据环境中,一键帮你找到定位位置,绝对省心省时。 INDEX:数据提取天才精确提取指定单元格数据,让数据管理变得更加快捷灵活。
=LEFT(包含要提取字符的文本串,提取的字符数) 用法举例: = LEFT (“大亚湾核电站”,3),结果等于:大亚湾 或= LEFT (A1,3) A1单元格中是:大亚湾核电站,结果等于:大亚湾 4、RIGHT: 描述:从右边提取字符的文本串 解释: =RIGHT(包含要提取字符的文本串,提取的字符数) ...
It’s important to note that the LEFT, RIGHT, and MID functions can also be combined with other functions in Excel to create even more complex formulas. For example, you can use the FIND function to locate a specific character or string of characters within a cell, and then use the LEFT...
To strip off the last character from the end of a string, the formula is: LEFT(cell, LEN(cell) - 1) The logic is similar to the RIGHT LEN formula from the previous example: You subtract 1 from the total cell length and serve the difference to theLEFTfunction, so it can pull that ...
2.3) In the Split by section, select the Specify width radio button, enter a number representing the character length that used to split the text string. In this case, I enter the number 3 into the text box; 2.4) Click the OK button.3...
We can simplify this formula:LEFT(trimmed_text,length_of_the_trimmed_text-1).It returns the whole trimmed text except for the last character. value_if_falseof theIFfunction:TRIM(B5) Output→ ExcelDemy. PressENTER. This is the output. ...