I have the SAP query I want to run. I am having trouble connecting to SAP Business One in the macro. When I run the macro I get the error, "Run-time error '-2147221164 (80040154)': Class not registered" Clicking Debug highlights this part of the macro: ...
* CONCATENATE 'Index' char_index ls_data-report_name INTO msg SEPARATED BY SPACE. * CALL FUNCTION 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR' * EXPORTING * TEXT = msg. * ELSE. * ls_data-description = wa_data-value. * APPEND ls_data TO lt_data. * CLEAR: wa_data,ls_data. * ENDIF. * ENDLOOP. ...
*lo_drawing = excel->add_new_drawing( ).*lo_drawing->set_position( ip_from_row = 3*ip_from_col = '1' ).*ls_key-relid = 'MI'.*ls_key-objid = 'SAPLOGO.GIF'.*lo_drawing->set_media_www( ip_key = ls_key*ip_width = 166*ip_height = 75 ).*" assign drawing to the works...
使用SAP ABAP 封装的 Office Integration class 访问本地 Excel 文件 先看这个 report 执行的效果:打开本地 1.xlsx excel 文件: 这个Excel 内容如下: 使用get_ranges_data 方法,成功读取 Excel 的数据如下: 本例完整代码如下: REPORTZ_IMPORT.DATA:oref_containerTYPE REF TOcl_gui_custom_container,iref_contro...
1 DOI技术是ABAP程序编程中常用的一种技术,这种技术在使用中有许多不常用的技巧,灵活使用这种技巧可以让你在编程过程中如虎添翼,简化你的程序逻辑与代码复杂度。本文告诉你如何全屏幕显示DOI输出的EXCEL文档。创建一个空屏幕上,只在屏幕上激活PAI、PBO事件下的FUNCTIONMOUDLE。干嘛非要在屏幕上放一个CONTAINER组件呢,...
Run-time error '1004': Cant run the macro 'SAPLogon'. The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled. So, apparently the Script is not recognizing the functionsSAPLogonandSAPExecuteCommand(that belongs to SAP VSTO Plug-in. I believe i...
Solved: Hi All, My requirement is to update some entries in SAP from Excel. This is my first time to do this requirement and to start with, how do i open connection to
I am running some simple, easy-to-automate transactions in SAP using an Excel macro to drive it. It's pretty much just copying a sales order number from a very long list into a specific field, clicking some buttons, and then copying the resulting contract number generated back into the li...
有很多 SAP 标准函数可以将 Excel 电子表格文件上传到ABAP内部表中。之前写过自定义 ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE ...