lookup_value: 查找的目标值,必须在 table_array 首行出现table_array: 查找数据/表范围, 首行必须包括lookup_valuerow_index: 返回值列索引,指在table_array 第几行 (base1)range_look:可选,近似匹配/完全匹配,默认值为近似匹配[True] HOOLKUP跟VLOOKUP使用方法类似,只不过Vlookup按列查找,而Hlookup按行查找; ...
Start row 否 数值 第一行的行号。 编号从 1 开始。 End column 否 文本值 最后一列的索引或字母。 Y Axis Direction 不可用 上、下 上方 Y 轴偏移方向。 根据当前活动单元格的位置,沿垂直轴的哪个位置查找。 End row 否 数值 最后一行的行号。 编号从 1 开始。 Y Offset 否 数值 Y 轴偏移量。生成...
formulatext(reference) hlookup 在查找范围的首行查找指定的数值,最终返回区域中指定行的所在列的单元格中的数值 hlookup(lookup_value,table_array,row_index_num,range_lookup) 参数:lookup_value为需要在数据表第一行中进行查找的数值,lookup_vaule可以为数值、引用或文本字符串;table_array为需要在其中查找数据的...
TableName: This is the name of the Excel Table that you're referencing. Tables in Excel are defined as a range of cells with a header row, and they have a unique name. [ColumnName]:This is the name of the column within the Excel Table that you want to reference. C...
XlGenerateTableRefs XlGeoProjectionType XlGeoMappingLevel XlGradientFillType XlHAlign XlHebrewModes XlHighlightChangesTime XlHtmlType XlIcon XlIconSet XlIMEMode XlImportDataAs XlInsertFormatOrigin XlInsertShiftDirection XlLayoutFormType XlLayoutRowType XlLegendPosition XlLineStyle XlLink XlLinkInfo XlLinkInfo...
Stores the sheet name (“Insert Row“) and the table name (“TblReference3“) in the variable. Set iNewRow = iObject.ListRows.Add(AlwaysInsert:=True) x = iNewRow.Index Defines a new variable to store new values. With iObject
For more details, please see3D reference in Excel. Excel structured reference (table references) Structured referenceis a special term for including table and column names in a formula instead of cells addresses. Such references can only be used for referring to cells inExcel tables. ...
RootReferenceCellValue RowColumnPivotHierarchy RowColumnPivotHierarchyCollection RowProperties RowPropertiesLoadOptions RunOptions Runtime SearchCriteria SelectionChangedEventArgs Session SettableCellProperties SettableColumnProperties SettableRowProperties Setting SettingCollection SettingsChangedEventArgs Shape ShapeActivated...
The tutorial shows how to create a table in Excel, convert it to range and remove table formatting. You will gain understanding of Excel table functions and formulas as well as calculated columns, total row and structured references.
The cell at the intersection of the current row and the Commission Amount column. If used in the same row as a header or total row, this will return a#VALUE!error. If you type the longer form of this structured reference (#This Row) in a table with multiple rows of da...