Here, in theSWITCHfunction, I selected theTRUEasexpression, providedC4 >= 90asvalue1andAas aresult1,C4>= 80asvalue2, andBasresult2,C4>= 70asvalue3, andCasresult,C4>= 60asvalue4, andDasresult4, finally, providedFailasdefault. Now, theSWITCHfunction will return the result by comparing t...
SWITCH is a new Excel function that evaluates an expression (which returns a value) and matches this value with a list of values to return the corresponding result from the first matching value.You will find the SWITCH function easier to use compared to using nested IF functions (that can ...
The SWITCH Function[1]is categorized under Excel’sLogical functions. This function will evaluate a given expression (or a value) against a list of values and will return a result corresponding to the first matching value. In case there is no matching value, an optional default value will be...
Home»莫非工具»Excel»【Excel Function】IF、IFS、SWITCH 條件判斷,搭配使用 AND、OR、NOT 今天介紹 Excel 的基本判斷函數IF,條件判斷在 Excel 中可說是非常實用。 依照不同情況,可以搭配AND、OR、NOT一起使用,它們分別有「且」、「或」、「非」的概念。這些邏輯判斷是寫程式的基礎語言之一,所以對寫程式(...
=SWITCH(A1, "3", "flower", "2", "leaf", "unknown") In this example, if the value in A1 is ‘3’, it will return ‘flower’, while if it is ‘2’, it will return ‘leaf’. If the value does not match any of the conditions, the SWITCH function will return ‘unknown’. Yo...
Here Right function extracts the last 2 index of the cell to match with area code in formula and returns the State name corresponding to it and returns “?” if no state is matched. As you can see from the above examples that how to use SWITCH function in Excel. ...
These two examples demonstrate how useful an addition the Excel SWITCH function is to the family of logical functions. And although you can’t beat the classic IF function, SWITCH can certainly simplify the more complex ones. More Excel Tutorials ...
Example (as Worksheet Function) Let's look at some Excel SWITCH function examples and explore how to use the SWITCH function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel: Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the following SWITCH examples would return: =SWITCH(A2,"Excel","","...
Or even the new IFS function: =IFS([@City]="Sydney","NSW", [@City]="Melbourne","VIC", [@City]="Adelaide","SA", [@City]="Brisbane","QLD", [@City]="Darwin","NT",[@City]="Perth","WA",TRUE,"Not Found") You can see the benefit of SWITCH is that we simply reference the...
How to use the SWITCH function for Excel SWITCH allows you to match a series of values and output a value based on that match this replaces basic nested IF statements in Excel This tutorial covers the ...