the SumProduct function must have at least one Criteria; if there are more than two Criteria, the Criteria are "AND" relationship, that is, multiple Criteria must be met at the same time. The order of the Sum_Range and Criteria can be exchanged; the -- in front of the Criteria is to...
(D4:F4 = I5) checks if the month matches the desired criteria. (C5:C13 = H5) * (D4:F4 = I5) multiplies these Boolean arrays. The result is the total sales based on the specified criteria. Press Enter. Read More: How to use SUMPRODUCT Function with Multiple Columns in Excel Example...
SUMPRODUCT formula with multiple criteria The easiest way to sum multiple columns based on multiple criteria is the SUMPRODUCT formula: SUMPRODUCT((sum_range) * (criteria_range1=criteria1) * (criteria_range2=criteria2)) As you can see, it's very similar to the SUM formula, but does not re...
An array constant plugged into SUMIF's criteria forces it to return multiple results in the form of an array. In our case, it's 3 different amounts: forApples,LemonsandOranges: {425;425;565} To get the total, we use theSUM functionand wrap it around the SUMIF formula. SUMPRODUCT and...
=SUMPRODUCT(C5:G8*(C4:G4=C10)*(B5:B8=C11)) Press Enter. Read More: Excel SUMPRODUCT with Multiple Criteria in Same Column Things to Remember The“SUMPRODUCT” function treats non-numeric values as zeros. If you have any non-numeric values in your formula the answer will be “0”. Arr...
您可以像添加标准一样=SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(range,{ "criteria1";"criteria2";"criteria3";"criteria4"…})). 计算两个值之间具有多个条件的单元格 如果需要计算该值在两个给定数字之间的单元格数,那么如何在Excel中解决此工作? 以下面的屏幕截图为例,我想得到介于200和500之间的数字的结果。请使用以下公式: ...
= SUMPRODUCT({928.62; 668.22; FALSE; FALSE; FALSE; 480.564; FALSE; FALSE; FALSE}) Now the SUMPRODUCT Function skips the FALSE values and sums the remaining values (2,077.40). Try our AI Formula Generator Generate SUMPRODUCT IF With Multiple Criteria To use SUMPRODUCT-IF with multiple criteri...
All of these examples show you how to use two criteria for lookups. It’s also easy to use these formulas if you have more than two criteria-you just add them to the formulas. Here is how the formulas would look if you add one more criterion: =SUMPRODUCT((B3:B13=C16)*(C3:...
How to use the SUMPRODUCT function in Excel: Returns the SUM after multiplication of values in multiple arrays in excel. SUM if date is between:Returns the SUM of values between given dates or period in excel. Sum if date is greater than given date:Returns the SUM of values after the giv...
=SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(C2:C12,N2:N6,L2:L12)) 三、SUMIFS多条件求和 当需要同时满足多个条件进行数据求和时,SUMIFS函数将成为你的最佳选择。通过设定多个条件区域和条件,SUMIFS函数能够精确地计算出同时满足所有条件的求和结果。其基本语法为: =SUMIFS(求和区域,条件区域1,条件1,条件区域2,条件2...) ...