=SUM(SUMIFS(D4:D14,C4:C14,{"*laptop*","*iphone*"})) Here, I wanted to sum up the price for a laptop or iPhone using the product name. So that. I used theLaptopandiPhoneascriteria1withthewildcardsasterisk (*). In theSUMIFSfunction, the sum_range D4:D14 is given to extract th...
与SUMIFS函数类似,COUNTIFS函数也可以使用逗号分隔的方式表示多个条件之间的关系为OR。例如,假设要计算A列中满足条件1或条件2的数据的个数,可以使用以下公式:=COUNTIFS(A:A, 条件1) + COUNTIFS(A:A, 条件2)其中A:A为计数范围,条件1和条件2为具体的条件值。
I will explain why we used another SUM function and how it works. When we give SUMIFS function with two criteria as an array, it will calculate the sum of sales directly and online separately. We have used another SUM function to add the sum of two sales to get the sum of both. If ...
Using this method, you can give a long list for summing up with or condition. This will be dynamic too. Important: This is an array formula and need to be entered with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.In all above examples, you can use SUMIFS function instead of SUMIF. There will be no difference ...
Excel COUNTIF with OR conditions - examples(.xlsx file) You may also be interested in COUNTIF in Excel - count if not blank, greater than, duplicate or unique Excel COUNTIFS with multiple criteria Excel SUMIFS and SUMIF with formula examples...
Microsoft Excel has a special function to sum cells with multiple conditions - theSUMIFS function. This function is designed to work with AND logic - a cell is added only when all of the specified criteria are TRUE for that cell. In some situations, however, you may need to sum with mult...
SUMIFS with vLookup or Indexing? I have a spreadsheet of data, about 7k lines that I need to cost allocate. I've added a small portion below as an example. What I would like to display with a formula is the total for each cost cente...Show More Excel Formulas and Functions Like 0 ...
OR logic with SUMIFS is used when we need to find the sum if value1 or value2 condition satisfySyntax of SUMIFS with OR logic=SUMIFS ( sum_range, criteria_range, { "value1", "value2" })Here we need to find the sum of Sales range If “Mike” or “Joe” occurs in Emp rangeUse...
在Countifs函数中使用OR,是为了在多个条件中满足任意一个条件时进行计数。Countifs函数是Excel中的一个强大的计数函数,用于统计满足多个条件的单元格数量。 使用OR函数可以将多个条件...