SUMIF with array constant - compact formula with multiple criteria The SUMIF + SUMIF approach works fine for 2 conditions. If you need to sum with 3 or more criteria, the formula will become too big and difficult to read. To achieve the same result with a more compact formula, supply y...
In Excel, sum values based on one or more criteria is a common task for most of us, the SUMIF function can help us to quickly sum the values based on one condition and the SUMIFS function help us to sum values with multiple criteria. This article, I will describe how to sum with on...
So I tried using sum before sumifs and if I hard code the multiple criteria on the same column it works =sum(sumifs(sum_range, criteria range, {"a","b"}) but if I want to get the input from user via slicer which reference to a cell it doesn't work. =Sum(sumifs(sum_range, cr...
How to Sum if with multiple criteria In simple words, while working with a long data sheet. Sometimes we need to find the sum of values having multiple criteria. SUMIFS function formula finds the SUM of the array where multiple conditions need to be satisfied. Let's learn the SUMIFS functio...
Method 9 – Using the SUMPRODUCT and the SUMIF Function for Multiple Criteria Step 1: Enter the following formula in the output cell:G8. =SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(D5:D11,G6:G7,E5:E11)) D5:D11is thecriteria range,G6:G7is multiplecriteriain a range andE5:E11is thesum range. ...
How to Use the SUMIF Function with Multiple Criteria in Excel TheSUMIFfunction considers one criterion. To use multiple criteria, use theSUMIFfunction multiple times, as shown below: =SUM(SUMIF(C5:C14,H7,E5:E14),SUMIF(C5:C14,H8,E5:E14)) ...
How to use SUMIFS: SUMIF with multiple criteria Summing up cells in Excel based on a single condition (criterion) was simple enough. But can we achieve the same results with multiple conditions (criteria)? For that purpose, the SUMIF function won’t come in handy. Instead, you’d have ...
这种情况不能用SUMIF 如果用WPS2012或EXCEL2007,可用SUMIFS 不过,你是2003,可用下面公式:=SUMPRODUCT((C3:C100="Φ219×6.5")*(D3:D100=304),J3:j100)
SUMIF函数求和条件使用C2:C12,分别得到四个部门的实发工资和,再使用SUMPRODUCT函数进行计算四个部门的实发工资总和,具体公式为: =SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(C2:C12,N2:N6,L2:L12)) 三、SUMIFS多条件求和 当需要同时满足多个条件进行数据求和时,SUMIFS函数将成为你的最佳选择。通过设定多个条件区域和条件,SUMIFS函数能够精确地...
SUMIF的语法是这样的: range:这是你要检查条件的单元格范围。 criteria:这是你要使用的条件,可以是数字、表达式、单元格引用或者文本。 sum_range(可选):这是你实际想要进行求和的单元格范围。如果省略这个参数,Excel会对range中的单元格进行求和。 那么,我们来通过一个简单的例子来演示一下如何使用SUMIF函数。假...