Excel's SUMIF function allows you to take the sum of a column or row of data conditional upon a particular criteria row.
The SUMIF function is relevant when you want Excel to sum up values based on asingle conditiononly. For example, when you want to sum the costs thatexceed $100. 1️⃣ However, if you want your dataset to be checked againstmultiple conditionsbefore the sum is performed, use the SUMIFS...
Function: Add and sum the specified parameters number1, number2...二、条件求和函数SUMIF 功能:对指定单元格区域中符合指定条件的值求和。Second, the conditional sum function SUMIF Function: Sum the values in the specified cell range that meet the specified conditions.三、多条件求和函数SUMIFS 功能:...
SUMIFS is an extension and enhancement of the SUMIF function. While SUMIF was a significant step forward, allowing users to sum data based on a single condition, it had limitations when dealing with more complex data sets that required analysis based on multiple criteria. Recognizing the need f...
SUMIFS Function: The SUMIFS function expands on the capabilities of SUMIF by allowing you to sum values based on multiple conditions. It takes pairs of arguments: range/criteria pairs. The function evaluates each cell in the specified ranges, and if all the corresponding cells meet their respecti...
This chapter takes you through 44 IF function Questions and Answers in Excel. EXCEL IF function tests a user-defined condition and returns one result if
The real power of the IF function comes when you string or "nest" multiple IF statements together. This allows you to set multiple conditions, get more specific results, and organize your data into more manageable chunks. For example, ranges are one way to segment your data for better analys...
延伸閱讀:【Excel】雙條件、多條件查詢(Multiple Conditions) CLOSE文章總覽 單一條件判斷 IF 其他邏輯判斷 AND OR NOT 多條件判斷 巢狀IF (Nested) IFS SWITCH 單一條件判斷 相信大家多少都看過if…else這樣的語句,其實任何程式的基礎不外乎是 if…else 和迴圈(loop),當然 Excel 也不例外。Excel所擁有的內建的...
Sub SearchMultipleConditions() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim rng As Range Dim cell As Range Dim searchValue1 As String Dim searchValue2 As String ' 设置搜索条件 searchValue1 = "条件1" searchValue2 = "条件2" ' 设置搜索范围 Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") Set rng = ws.Range("A1...
Please note that SUMIF formula only accepts a single criteria to be defined. For applications with multiple criteria, you need to use the SUMIFS function instead. Let’s take a close look at how and when to use this formula. Considering the data table below, SUMIF function can help us fi...