You can check that the formula has returned the sum of three unique numeric values in the given range. The only three unique numeric values are 3,4, and 5, respectively. The ISNUMBER component of the formula is for showing that we are only interested in numeric values. How to Count Uniq...
Tips: If you need to sum all the unique values based on two criteria, please apply the below formula: =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF($A$2:$A$12=E2,IF($B$2:$B$12=F2,MATCH($C$2:$C$12,$C$2:$C$12,0))),ROW($C$2:$C$12)-ROW($C$2)+1),$C$2:$C$12))Unlock Excel Magic ...
=sum(if(countif(b3:b16, b3:b16)=1,1,0)) now, pressctrl+shift +enter. this gives the count of unique values in the selected range. the unique value count is 3. simple, right? now, let me explain how this formula gives the unique values in 3 simple steps. the countif function ...
SUMPRODUCT(1/COUNTIF(A2:A11,A2:A11)) : It will sum the array provided by 1/COUNTIF(A2:A11,A2:A11), which will be the count of unique values in range. Extract unique or non recurring values using UNIQUE function in Excel 365 or spreadsheet ...
Find case-sensitive unique / distinct values in Excel If you are working with a data set where case matters, you'd need a bit more trickier array formula. Finding case-sensitiveunique values: =IF(SUM((--EXACT($A$2:$A$10,A2)))=1,"Unique","") ...
Microsoft Excel offers various methods tocompare columnsand identify duplicate and unique values in two lists. However, there are situations where you need to compare not the entire cell values, but the frequencies of words within each column, regardless of their position or order in the cells. ...
Finding Distinct Numeric Values: Similarly, if your data is numeric, you can count unique numeric values using the following formula: =SUM(IF(ISNUMBER(range),1/COUNTIF(range,range),””)) Follow the same steps as above, replacing "range" with the range of cells containing the numeric values...
It contains a list of random numbers. We want to filter out all the unique values in the data set. To do that, Select cell B2. Enter the IF and SUM function to count unique values as: =SUM(IF( Now add the COUNTIF function as: ...
10. How can I count the number of unique values in a column in Excel? 如何在Excel中计算某一列中唯一值的数量? 11. How can I find the maximum value in a column in Excel? 如何找到Excel中某一列的最大值? 12. Can you show me how to use the INDEX and MATCH formula in Excel to look...
How to Count Unique Values in Excel Using SUMPRODUCT and COUNTIF If you want tocount unique values in Excel, the best way to do it is to use a formula. You can use a combination of theSUMandCOUNTIFfunctions to do this. To quickly explain what these functions do,SUMPRODUCTwill multiply ...