How to Sum If Cell Contains Specific Text in Excel (6 Ways) Method 7 – Sum a Column with Blank Cells Steps: Go to cell C12 and enter the formula. =SUMIFS(C5:C11,B5:B11,"") This function checks the values in the sum_range of C5:C11 and tries to match criteria criteria1 which ...
Sumif cells begin with specific text with formulaSumif cells begin with specific number with formula In this example, I want to sum all cell values in column B when their adjacent cells in column A start with the number 2017, the following formula can do you a favor, please do as this...
=SUMIFS($C$3:$C$9,$B$3:$B$9,"*"&E3&"*") Read our article on Locking Cell References to learn more. Sum if Cell Contains Specific Text Using Wildcards in Google Sheets These formulas work exactly the same in Google Sheets as in Excel.AI...
The column namedTextcontains the intended text and the columnSpecificTextcontains the strings that will be checked on the left column. TheResultcolumn will show the outputs. Method 1 – Insert the COUNTIF Function to Find If a Range of Cells Contains Specific Text in Excel Steps: In cellE5,...
Microsoft Excel has a special function to conditionally count cells, theCOUNTIF function. All you have to do is to supply the target text string in thecriteriaargument. Here's a generic Excel formula to count number of cells containing specific text: ...
How to Check if a cell contains one of many texts in Excel:To find check if a string contains any of multiple text, we use this formula. We use the SUM function to sum up all the matches and then perform a logic to check if the string contains any of the multiple strings. ...
{"__ref":"Forum:board:ExcelGeneral"},"subject":"Re: EXCEL: \"If cell contains specific letter using LEFT formula then return specific text\"","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:7843...
Count Cells that contain specific text:A simple COUNTIF function will do the magic. To count the number of multiple cells that contain a given string we use the wildcard operator with the COUNTIF function. Excel REPLACE vs SUBSTITUTE function:The REPLACE and SUBSTITUTE functions are the most ...
1. In the above formula, A2:A20 is the column contains the criteria that you want to sum based on, “apple” is the criteria which sum cells based on, B2:B20 is the column cells that you want to sum. 2. If you need to sum cells which not equal to multiple specific values, for...
IF(ISNUMBER(cell),value_to_return, "") The following formula returns "yes" in column B if a corresponding cell in column A contains any number: =IF(ISNUMBER(A2), "Yes", "") If cell contains specific text Finding cells containing certain text (or numbers or dates) is easy. You write...