识别溢出区域(spill range) 当选定溢出区域的一个单元格的时候,会呈现出边框和类似溢出的效果,即说明这一块区域是溢出的表格。此时显示出的公式会呈现出半透明的灰色状态,只有在左上角的区域中会呈现出正常的状态,即该部分的溢出值均由左上角一个单元格内的公式产生的溢出。 选定单元格内为溢出的区域时 选定区域...
在Excel的日常操作中,如何通过公式灵活处理多单元格信息,提升工作效率呢?这就涉及到溢出区域(spill range)的应用。当一个单元格被选中并执行特定操作时,如unique()函数或sort()函数,可能会出现溢出区域的标志。unique()函数是去重的好帮手。当你用它在单行或单列中筛选出唯一的值时,重复的数值会...
Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate Set rr = Application.InputBox( _ prompt:="Select a range on this worksheet", _ Type:=8) If rr.HasSpill = True Then MsgBox "Every cell in the selection is part of a spilled range" End If 支持和反馈有...
3 things you should know about Excel spill range The spill range is a really wonderful feature that makes the lives of Excel users a lot easier. Below are a few interesting facts that lend some insight into the concept. Only top-left cell can be edited ...
spill在Excel中的意思 在Excel中,特别是Excel 365及Excel 2019等较新版本中,spill一词并不直接作为命令或函数使用,但它与Excel中的一项重要功能——“溢出”功能(也被称为Spill功能)紧密相关。这一功能允许当公式返回多个值时,这些值会自动“溢出”到下方的单元格中,...
Spill range isn’t blank Cause:If the spill range where Excel intends to place results isn't empty, it can lead to the #SPILL! error. Example:Imagine you have a simple formula like =A2:A5. If any cell in the target range (e.g., C4) is occupied, you'll encounter the error. ...
#Spill Error in Excel Now a user will notice a#spill errorin the formula cell (here, D5) because the cell D7 of the spill range is already filled with the value X. Then deleteXfrom theD7and the formula cell will be clear of the #spill error. ...
However, while working with dynamic arrays in Excel, you might have encountered the #SPILL error, accompanied by the message –Spill range is too big. It particularly happens when a formula generates several outcomes but is unable to output them all onto the sheet at once. ...
1. When the #SPILL Range Isn’t BlankYou’ll encounter the #SPILL error when the Excel formula needs to return results in cells that aren’t all empty.There are two ways to solve the error if the range isn’t blank. When using the following two methods, values in the range won’t ...