3.1 – Sorting Data in Multiple Columns Steps: Select any of the cells in the below dataset. Go to Data > Sort. The Sort dialog pops up. For the first level, select the column name from the Sort by drop-down. Click on Add Level. As we want to add two more levels, we click Add...
‘-1’ in the 3rd argument means, we’re sorting the data in descending order. In the 4th argument, the logical function FALSE has been chosen to assign the sorting by rows, not by columns. Method 5 – Applying SORTBY Function to Sort Multiple Columns By using the SORTBY function, you...
排序完成后,用户可以看到数据按照指定顺序排列。 四、多列排序 (Sorting by Multiple Columns) 在处理复杂数据时,单列排序可能无法满足需求。这时,多列排序功能显得尤为重要。以下是进行多列排序的步骤: 1. 选择数据区域 (Select the Data Range) 与单列排序一样,首先选择需要排序的数据区域。 2. 打开排序对话框 ...
How to Sort Data in Multiple Columns by Date More realistically, you wouldn’t want to sort justonecolumn. You would be looking to sortmultiplecolumns of data by date. Suppose you have a dataset as shown below where you need to sort it based on the date in Column A. Below are the st...
Sort Multiple Columns Say you have the following data set, and you want to sort it by Product, Month, and Total Sales (Columns C, D, and G). Click on any cell in the range you want to sort, and in the Ribbon, go to Home > Sort & Filter > Custom Sort. In the Sort window, ...
2.3 Sort data by multiple columns If you have a large dataset as below screenshot shown, now, you want to perform a multi-level data sorting for reading the data more clearly, for instance, sorting by the Region column first, then the State column, and finally the Sales column. How coul...
Sorting Multiple Columns What if you want to sort more than one column? For instance, I want to organize my blog topics by their authors and then by the click rate to see how each author fared. Here’s how I’ll do it. Click on the da...
But in some cases, you may end up with issues (when you have blank cells/rows/columns in your dataset). When sorting data, it’s best to select the entire data set and then sort it – just to avoid any chance of issues.Based on the type of data you have, you can use the ...
It is useful to have a column heading for each column of data when sorting, then make sure that when you use Custom Sort,My data has headersis ticked. It is preferable to not have any blank rows or columns within your data. If your data contains formulas referencing the sheet name, you...
While it’s straightforward to sort data by one column in Excel, when it comes to sorting by two columns, you need to take a couple of additional steps.In this tutorial, I will show you two ways to do a multiple level data sorting in Excel (i.e., sort by two columns)...