Overall, there are 3 main ways to sort alphabetically in Excel: A-Z or Z-A button, the Sort feature, and filter. Below you will find the detailed guidance on each method. How to sort a column alphabetically The fastest way to sort alphabetically in Excel is this: Select any cell in t...
之后,在“模块”窗口中,我们将键入以下代码。 SubSort_Sheetname_Alphabetically()Dim p As Integer Dim q As Integer Dim pResult As VbMsgBoxResult pResult=MsgBox("Select Yes to Sort Sheeets Alphabetically from A to Z?"&Chr(10)_&"Select No to sort Sheet Alphabetically from Z to A",_ vbYes...
It is a common and simple task to sort data in Excel, which can help reorder your data based on the type of sorting that you choose. Normally, with the built-in Sort feature, you can sort numbers, text strings, dates and times in one or more columns; You can also sort data by a ...
Excel VBA Sort Array Alphabetically How to Sort Array with Excel VBA Excel VBA to Sort Multidimensional Array Get FREE Advanced Excel Exercises with Solutions! Save 0 Tags: VBA Sort Sanjida Ahmed Sanjida Ahmed, who graduated from Daffodil International University with a degree in Software Engi...
The data is now sorted alphabetically by names. Forascendingorder, you can insert 1 in thesort_orderfield: =SORT(C5:F14,1,1) To sort in descending order, use -1 instead of 1 in thesort_orderfield: =SORT(C5:F14,1,-1) Method 6 – Sort Columns Without Mixing Data Using the SORTBY...
Sort worksheets in alphabetical / alphanumeric order with VBA code The Microsoft Support Center provides a macro for sorting worksheets alphabetically. Follow these steps to apply it: 1.Hold down theALT+F11keys, and it opens theMicrosoft Visual Basic for Applicationswindow. ...
If you have a simple column you need to sort alphabetically, you can select the cells and choose your sorting options. However, Excel only sorts the chosen cells, which can mess up an entire spreadsheet. If the above option works for you, that’s great. If it doesn’t, you have two ...
with a small down arrow next to the word English. You can sort alphabetically, reverse alphabetically, and you can choose to sort on either theFromorTolanguage. Just select the language you want to sort by and click on the name again to reverse sort. The arrow indicates the sort direction...
It’s easy to sort alphabetically in Excel, but you can also sort by a more complex custom list. Select the data you want to sort, and then in theRibbon, go toHome > Editing > Sort & Filter > Custom Sort. Choose theColumntoSort byand what toSort On. Then in theOrderdrop down, ...
VBA to sort worksheets alphabetically Enter the following code into a standard code module: SubSortWorksheetsAlphabetially()'Turn off screen updatingApplication.ScreenUpdating =False'Create variablesDimwbAsWorkbookDimwsCountAs IntegerDimiAs IntegerDimjAs Integer'Declare the workbookSetwb = Workbooks(ActiveWo...