In a world where data drives decisions, learning how to create a dashboard in Excel can become your ultimate game-changer. This multifunctional tool is used by professionals globally to comb through complex data and transform it into user-friendly visuals. While Excel’s potential may seem daunti...
Hi all I need some assistance please, I have a dashboard, where I have a date slicer, which is filtering fine on tables with a date, however, I have a staff list table which doesn't have a date to create a relationship with, but I am using the staff table in order to calculate ...
1 Use slicers to easily filter data Dive into specifics more easily Finally, another tool that can greatly improve your presentation quality is slicers. Slicers let you focus in on specific data in a given graph, so for instance, you can have a graph that includes the best-selling pro...
You can also use Macros to create a button on your dashboard. When you click that button and select a certain criteria, all the charts will automatically change to represent that specific criteria. Slicers: If you want to add another layer of filtering to your pivot table, you can use ...
Once you set up a pivot table and place the slicer next to the chart, you can select some of the different buttons to see how the chart changes interactively. Excel Dashboards Do’s and Don’ts Building a business dashboard Excel is a hefty process and there are do...
Note 1:A slicer can also be added from the “filters” group of the Insert tab of Excel. Click “slicer” in this group and thereafter follow the steps “c” and “d” listed above. Note 2:A slicer can be used only if the data is in the form of an Excel table. ...
In Format Slicer: Change the Font, Border, and Fill. Here: Whole Slicer, Select Item with Data, and Unselect Items with Data. Frequently Asked Questions What is an interactive dashboard? An interactive dashboard is a visual representation of data that allows users to interact with and manip...
How to create an interactive Excel dashboard with slicers? – Example for Excel Map UK Excel Map TutorialMay 17, 2017 A dashboard is usually a collection of charts and tables combined with interactivity for the… Read more May162013 Excel Map Tutorial TOP 4 uses of our Excel Maps Ex...
Performance may vary based on data size and slicer usage. Why Are Slicers Better Than Report Filters? Slicers offer dynamic, user-friendly data filtering. They allow simultaneous filtering across multiple fields and enhance dashboard aesthetics. While report filters have advantages, slicers are often...
Excel Slicers are great, but they’re a bit on the chunky side and that can be a pain when you’re building reports like Excel Dashboards where space is limited. Unfortunately, the Excel Slicer Formatting available on the Slicer contextual tool tab is limited, as you can see below: I’...