=TRUNC(B2/2.54/12)&"' "&ROUND(MOD(B2/2.54,12),0)&""" 然後,將填充手柄向下拖動到要應用此公式的單元格上,您將得到如下圖所示的結果: 備註:如果需要在英寸的小數點後保留兩位數字,請使用以下公式: =INT(CONVERT(B2,"cm","ft")) & "' " & TEXT(12*(CONVERT(B2,"cm","ft")-INT(CONVERT(B...
在Excel 中,您可能需要将单元格大小调整为特定单位,例如英寸、厘米、毫米或像素,以更好地满足数据或格式要求。本教程将指导您完成轻松将单元格大小更改为这些单位的步骤。 通过设置“规则单位”将像元大小更改为英寸/厘米/毫米 使用Kutools for Excel 轻松将单元格大小切换为英寸/厘米/毫米/像素 通过设置“规则单位”...
Method 1 – Using the CONVERT Function to Convert Cm to Feet and Inches 1.1 Cm to Feet Steps: Go toD5and enter the following formula: =CONVERT(C5,"cm","ft") Excel will display thelist of units. Choose Feet or enter it manually. PressENTERto see the result. Drag down the Fill Handl...
Method 1 – Using the Excel CONVERT Function to convert Millimeter (mm) to Inches (in) The CONVERT function is a built-in function in Excel that helps you with unit conversions. Steps: Add a column next to the Millimeters (mm) column for Inches (in). Enter the following formula in the...
運算式。InchesToPoints (Inches) expression 代表Application 物件的變數。參數展開資料表 名稱必要/選用資料類型描述 Inches 必要 雙精確度 會指定要轉換成點值的英吋值。傳回值雙精度浮點數範例本範例會將 Sheet1 的左邊界設定為 2.5 英吋。VB 複製 Worksheets("Sheet1").PageSetup.LeftMargin = _ ...
1 cm = 0.3937 inch and 1 inch = 2.54 cm. Use a simple formula, the CONVERT function or download our free unit converter to convert from cm to inches or vice versa.
setPrintMargins(unitString: "Points" | "Inches" | "Centimeters", marginOptions: Excel.PageLayoutMarginOptions): void; 参数 unitString "Points" | "Inches" | "Centimeters" 提供的边距的度量单位。 marginOptions Excel.PageLayoutMarginOptions 要设置的边距值。 未提供的边距保持不变。 返回 void 注...
Excel, users can enter formulas that have the program automatically calculate values for them. One formula is called "Convert" and allows users to convert values from one unit to another. For example, if you needed to convert millimeters to inches in Excel, you would use the Convert function...
To change the cell width, select the cells you want to resize, and then in the Ribbon go to Home > Format > Column Width. In the Column width box, enter the new size in inches (here, 1.5 inches) and click OK. This changes the width of the cell. To change the height of the cel...
例如,AutoSize、Enabled、TextAlign 和WordWrap属于标签Label对象的行为方面的属性,所以归类到“行为”分类;Picture和 PicturePosition 属于标签 Label 的图片方面的属性,所以归类到“图片”分类;BackColor、Caption及ForeColor是属于外观的属性,所以归类到“外观”分类中。