Look forSheet Optionsunder thePage Layouttab. Within theSheet Optionsgroup, you’ll find two options:GridlinesandHeadings. To display gridlines in your printout, ensure that thePrintcheckbox is selected underGridlines. If it’s not already checked, mark it (✔) to include gridlines in your ...
Fit Sheet on One Page: This will shrink the dataset to print Excel Sheet in one page. Fit all Columns on One Page: This will shrink all the columns of the dataset to print on one page, while the rows can spill over onto pages below. Fit all Rows on One Page: This will fit all ...
# 读取Excel表格df=pd.read_excel('data.xlsx',sheet_name='Sheet1') 1. 2. 步骤三:打印指定行的内容 现在,我们已经成功地将Excel表格读取到了一个DataFrame对象中。接下来,我们可以使用print()函数来打印出指定行的内容。 # 打印指定行的内容row_number=2# 指定行号,这里以第二行为例print(df.iloc[row_...
From和To说明中的“页面”是指打印的页面,而不是工作表或工作簿中的整体页面。 示例 此示例打印当前活动工作表。 VB ActiveSheet.PrintOut 本示例从第 2 页打印到第 3 页。 VB Worksheets. ("sheet1").PrintOutFrom:=2,To:=3 本示例从第 2 页打印到第 3 页的三个副本。
);运行效果图:关键一步,读取 PrintInfo 信息,设置打印到 PDF 文件:1: SheetView sv=this.fpSpread1.ActiveSheet;2: PrintInfo pi = sv.PrintInfo;3:4://导出到 PDF 进行测试5: pi.PrintToPdf = true;6: pi.PdfFileName = "黄金周旅游接待情况.pdf";7:8://打印9: this.fpSpread1.PrintSheet(...
sheet.export(outputStream, workbook.execute(parameterMap,new WriteActor())); 1.6 分页分sheet导出excel2007 //分页分sheet导出excel2007 outputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File("C:\\test\\PageSheetExcelExport.xlsx")); PageToSheetExcel2007Exporter sheet1 = new PageToSheetExcel2007Exporter(...
Print comments in Excel If your woksheets contain comments (notes that are used for adding annotations or reminders in cells), you can print them too. By default, they are printed at the end of a sheet. To batch print Excel files with comments (notes): ...
1. First, select the range of cells you want to print. 2. Next, under Settings, select Print Selection. 3. To print the selection, click the big Print button. Note: you can also print the active sheets (first select the sheets by holding down CTRL and clicking the sheet tabs) or pr...
Set ws = Sheets("明细表")ws.Activate'隐藏工作表,在工作表右键可取消隐藏,亦可取值0或FALSEws.Visible = xlSheetHidden'深度隐藏工作表,在工作表右键不可取消隐藏,亦可取值2ws.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden'显示工作表,亦可取值-1或true ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible 9、Count:获取工作表的数量,前面代码...
To Print the Entire Excel Spreadsheet on One Page Step 1:Click the Page Layout tab. Step 2:Click the Fit Sheet on One Page button. Select Fit Sheet on One Page Step 3:Click the Print Preview button. Preview Print button Step 4:Make sure the entire spreadsheet is visible on the preview...