點擊Home>Delete>Delete Sheet Rows刪除所有選定的行。 演示:根據Excel中的一個或多個單元格值刪除行 Kutools for Excel:超過 300 個方便的工具觸手可及! 立即開始 30 天免費試用,沒有任何功能限制。現在就下載! 最佳辦公生產力工具 熱門特色:尋找、突出顯示或識別重複項|刪除空白行|合併列或儲存格而不遺失數據|...
*/ function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) { let currentSheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet(); // Create headers for 3 columns. let myHeaders = [["NAME", "ID", "ROLE"]]; // Add a blank first row and push existing data down a row. let firstRow = currentSheet.getRange("1:...
await Excel.run(async (context) => { const sheetName = "Sheet1"; const rangeAddress = "A1:F8"; const range = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem(sheetName).getRange(rangeAddress).getLastCell(); range.load('address'); await context.sync(); console.log(range.address); // prints Sheet1...
'using this statement to Count blank sheets If WorksheetFunction.CountA(MySheet.UsedRange) = 0 Then 'Deleting blank sheets MySheet.Delete End If Next MySheet Application.DisplayAlerts = True Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Here’s the result. ...
AppEvents_SheetActivateEventHandler AppEvents_SheetBeforeDeleteEventHandler AppEvents_SheetBeforeDoubleClickEventHandler AppEvents_SheetBeforeRightClickEventHandler AppEvents_SheetCalculateEventHandler AppEvents_SheetChangeEventHandler AppEvents_SheetDeactivateEventHandler AppEvents_SheetFollowHyperlinkEventHandler AppEvents...
If you want to include the gridlines when you print out a worksheet, select theGridlinescheckbox on the Sheet tab Any blank cells at the bottom or on the right of a defined print area are ignored automatically. Is a worksheet automatically updated before it is printed ??
On a new sheet, right click any blank cell and choosePaste Special>Linked Picture. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for other print areas. In the new sheet, pressCtrl + Pto print all the copied print areas on one page. How to set print area in Excel for multiple sheets with VBA ...
Create a drop-down list in a cell by going to the “Data” tab and clicking on “Data Validation” in the “Data Tools” group. In the “Data Validation” dialog box, select “List” in the “Allow” drop-down list. In the “Source” field, enter the name of the named range that...
Learn how to create workbooks in excel. Collaborate with your teammates easily by making excellent and simple excel workbooks. Read on for more details!
If a cell on a page contains an error, and errors are set to print as blank, Excel files may print out blank or with cells that seem empty. 4. There Are Hidden Columns Another reason for getting blank Excel prints is if a document contains hidden columns with manual page breaks. How ...