Re: Error 35010 Hi, Without seeing what you're doing its hard to say. Off th top of my head it's th sheet or something about it that is giving you problems. If you have Application.EnableEvents set to False when you do the copying of th sheet that could be what is causing your...
在excel的VBA下测试正常,看您的 Main.Filename.Caption 是否是合法的文件名路径。还有,这个文件是否已经被打开,是否存在。引用的excel库是否还正常。
出现该问题的原因在于,我们再加载.xla文件的时候,必须要确保当前Excel中有一个空白的Sheet页处于打开状态。在用户通过双击现有的excel文件的时候,在文档打开之前,并没有可用的Sheet页处于打开状态,这是我们的插件加载.xla文件的时候就会出现加载不上的问题。 解决方法就是在OnConnect中调用RegisterOpenEvent方法注册Workbook...
GenericFileOpenError 打开所选文件时出错。 因未知原因,Excel Services 无法打开文件。 InvalidSheetName 工作簿中不存在所请求的工作表。 未找到工作表名称或工作表名称无效。 InvalidOrTimedOutSession 此时无法完成您执行的操作,因为该会话在服务器上不再可用。可以重新加载工作簿并新建一个会话,但所做的所有更改都已...
fromopenpyxlimportWorkbookwb=Workbook()sheet=wb.activeline="==="sheet.title="error1"# 添加一个单元格到位置1,1,内容设置为linecell=sheet.cell(1,1,value=line)"error1.xlsx") 如果把excel文件eroor1.xlsx打开,我们会看到下面这个错误。 怎么回事呢? 如果...
The excel sheet which I am trying to open is link with so many other excel sheet. It is asking to update link. If i do update than i will get correct data and if i don't do it i will get Ref error in cell. Again if I update i will be asked to for security alert saying "...
今天发现了个用EXCEL下载文件的实例,看起来很不错,收藏一下。 附件如下:xls 这是代码: 1 2 3 4...
oExcel.Workbooks.Open(tmpDesFile) oWorkbook= oExcel.Workbooks(1)'1 is Workbook1oWorksheet = oWorkbook.Worksheets(1)'1 is Sheet1tmpRange= oWorksheet.Cells.Range(oWorksheet.Cells(1,1), oWorksheet.Cells(1, tmpColCount)) tmpAry=tmpRange.Value2ForrId =LBound(tmpAry,1)ToUBound(tmpAry,1)Fo...
Have Excel sheet with names, addresses, etc and want to use as data source for catalog in Publisher. Publisher gives error 'data source contains no...
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim wks As Worksheet If Application.UserName <> "完美Excel" Then For Each wks In Worksheets wks.Protect UserInterfaceOnly:=True Next wks End If End Sub 示例2:要求用户输入指定值 只有当工作簿中的工...