To create a formula to get the worksheet name we need to use CELLS, FIND, and MID function. Following is the function where you can get the sheet name. =MID(CELL("filename"),FIND("]",CELL("filename"))+1,LEN(CELL("filename"))) You enter the above formula in any of the cells ...
参数类型说明 SheetName 文本值 活动工作表的名称 SheetIndex 数值 活动工作表的索引异常展开表 例外描述 无法检索活动工作表 指示检索活动工作表时出现问题获取所有 Excel 工作表检索Excel 文档的所有工作表名称。输入参数展开表 参数可选接受默认值说明 Excel instance 否 Excel 实例 指定Excel 实例。 此变...
The =SheetName allows you to display the name of a Sheet in a cell. Using the sheet name code Excel formula requires combining the MID, CELL, and FIND functions into one formula. For example, if you are printing out afinancial modelonto paper or as a PDF, then you may want to displa...
Method 1 –Using Excel Formula Excel lacks a built-in function to directly retrieve the sheet name, but we can create a formula using theMID,CELL, andFINDfunctions. Enter the below formula in any cell within your worksheet: =MID(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1))+1,...
Dim sheetName As String Dim formula As String sheetName = ActiveSheet.Name '获取当前工作表名称 formula = ActiveCell.Formula '获取当前单元格的公式 If InStr(1, formula, sheetName) = 0 Then formula = Replace(formula, "[工作表名称]", sheetName) '替换公式中的变量为工作表名称 ActiveCell.Formula...
Close the VBA window and enter the functionActive_Work_Sheet_Name()to get all the sheet names: =Active_Work_Sheet_Name() Go to theC5cell and insert the following into theFormula Bar. =INDIRECT("'"&E5&"'!C5")+INDIRECT("'"&E6&"'!C5") ...
Method #2: Use a Formula Combining MID, CELL, and FIND Functions to Get Sheet Name in Excel Another easy way to get sheet names in Excel is by using a combination of MID, CELL, and FIND functions. TheMIDfunction returns the text string characters from inside a text string, given a sta...
cell = sheet[‘C5’] 在随后的章节中,将展示如何从一行,一列,或者一些单元格中获取一个生成器。 3.处理单元格 在任何情况下,想要处理电子表格中的数据,就必须访问每个单元格。在Openpyxl中,单元格有一个值和许多仅用于编写的其他信息,比如样式信息。更方便地是,我们可以把单元格中的值作为Python对象(数字、日...
I am trying to use a formula to reference a worksheet by getting the sheet name from a cell as shown below =IF(A34="","",MAX(Client10!C$3:C$33)) I have about 50 sheets and want to sect the sheet de... love_excel1948
=CELL("filename"))As you can see, it gave me the whole address of the file in which I am using this formula.But I needed only the sheet name, not the whole file address,Well, to get the sheet name only, we will have to use this formula along with some other text formulas, so...