If I open an Excel sheet and try to open a second one, once I click "open", Excel crashes and the program closes. I thought it was an issue related to my specific Excel files, but I got the same problem starting with a new blank sheet. - Question fromMicrosoft Community Specifically ...
Click on theHome > Conditional Formatting > Clear Rules > Clear Rules from Entire Sheet This clears theConditional Formattingfrom a particular sheet. Select the other Tabs from the bottom of the sheet and then clear the Conditional Formatting in those sheets also Now, save the Excel File with ...
用了excel2013,2016都有这个情况 第一步,新建一个工作簿,新建两个表,另存为xlsm格式 第二步,打开VBA,在sheet1里输入如下代码,使用inputbox 第三步,编译完成之后,保存并关闭vba 第四步,在sheet1的第A21列双击会弹出输入框 此时鼠标滚轮是可以使用的,但是点击到其他表,比如点击到sheet2里面之后,鼠标滚轮没有效果...
为避免出现异常错误,必须首先从文档中获取保护状态并使用它来设置值 sheet.protection.protected。 此获取过程分为三步。将命令排入队列,以加载(即提取)代码需要读取的属性。 调用上下文对象的 sync方法,从而向文档发送已排入队列的命令以供执行,并返回请求获取的信息。 由于sync 是异步方法,因此请先确保它已完成,然后...
为避免出现异常错误,必须首先从文档中获取保护状态并使用它来设置值 sheet.protection.protected。 此获取过程分为三步。将命令排入队列,以加载(即提取)代码需要读取的属性。 调用上下文对象的 sync方法,从而向文档发送已排入队列的命令以供执行,并返回请求获取的信息。 由于sync 是异步方法,因此请先确保它已完成,然后...
Google Sheets may be the most popular spreadsheet web app, but Zoho Sheet has more features, and it's also completely free. It's the best free Excel alternative, if you're looking for the most powerful solution. It has a similar look and feel to Google Sheets, so it wouldn't take lo...
AppEvents_ProtectedViewWindowBeforeCloseEventHandler AppEvents_ProtectedViewWindowBeforeEditEventHandler AppEvents_ProtectedViewWindowDeactivateEventHandler AppEvents_ProtectedViewWindowOpenEventHandler AppEvents_ProtectedViewWindowResizeEventHandler AppEvents_SheetActivateEventHandler AppEvents_SheetBeforeDeleteEventHandler ...
双击工作簿文件,将启动Excel显示软件的工作界面打开同一个工作簿窗口。在Windows系统中,用户可以同时打开多个工作簿窗口。如果把每个打开的工作簿窗口比作书本,那么工作表就类似于书本书的书页,它是工作簿的组成部分。 工作簿的英文为Wordbook,而工作表的英文为Wordsheet,其含义也就是书本和书页的意思。书本中的书页可以...
Excel for Android tabletsalso falls down on its collaboration functionality. You can email a sheet as an attachment but not enable a document to be edited by multiple users at the same time. But, on a positive note, you can sync your OneDrive and Dropbox accounts, allowing you toopen docu...