AMORDEGRC: 返回每个结算期间的折旧值,该函数主要为法国会计系统提供。 格式:=AMORDEGRC(原值,购入日期,结束日期,残值,期间,利率,基准选项) 原值:固定资产原值 购入日期:购入资产的日期。 结束日期:第一个期间结束时的日期。 残值:资产使用年限结束时的估计残值。 期间:进行折旧计算的期次,它必须与前者使用相同的单位。
Sub Select_AutoFiltered_VisibleRows_ExistSheet() Dim FilterValues As String FilterValues = "Texas" ActiveSheet.Range("B4:E14").AutoFilter ActiveSheet.Range("B4:E14").AutoFilter field:=2, Criteria1:=FilterValues ActiveSheet.Range("B4:E14").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Select End Sub Code Breakd...
Solution 1: This method will choose all visible cells containing data in column D, excluding the header and the final visible cell with data. Solution 2: Is this the desired outcome? This approach will select all visible cells in column A, up to the last row, excluding the header. Solutio...
Wordapp.Visible = True '可见 'Wordapp.ScreenUpdating =False '屏幕刷新 Dim WordD As Word.Document '定义word类 Set WordD = Wordapp.Documents.Add '新建文档 'Set WordD = '打开文档 '…… WordD.Close '关闭文档 ...
When working with large data sets containing hidden cells, one can easily select the visible cells along with the hidden cells by dragging the mouse cursor horizontally and vertically over them. But it’s not that simple to select the visible cells only. In this tutorial, we will demonstrate ...
Cells.Select Cells.EntireRow.AutoFit End Sub 您可以使用此代码自动调整工作表中的所有行。当您运行此代码时,它将选择工作表中的所有单元格,并立即自动调整所有行。 6. 删除文字绕排 Sub RemoveTextWrap() Range("A1").WrapText = False End Sub
An Excel file may be modified and a new version may be visible in Version history of the file even when a "read-only" action is executed. This behavior is by design due to internal save mechanisms of the connector's backend service. Excrypted or marked as protected sheets, throw a corr...
App(visible=True, add_book=False) #创建Excel应用,不添加工作簿 #打开与本文件相同路径下的数据文件,可写'/GDP数据.xlsx',read_only=False) sht=wb.sheets(1) #获取工作表对象 cht=sht.charts.add(50, 200) #添加图表 cht.set_source_data(sht.range('A1').expand()) ...
only_visible<bool>只读可见 skip<int>读列时跳过多少行后开始读 max<int>读列或者范围时,行数不能超过max的范围 调用样例- # 注意事项:使用前需确认已安装WPS相关软件# 代码调用样例如下:excel_file_path =r"D:\2_测试文件归档\测试Excel.xlsx"excel =