Sub DeleteEmptyRows() Dim LastRow As Long, r As Long LastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count LastRow = LastRow + ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Row - 1 For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1 If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Rows(r)) = 0 Then Rows(r).Delete Next r End Sub '删除空列 Sub DeleteEmptyCo...
Sub DeleteEmptyRows()这个子过程用于删除工作表中的空行。它首先确定最后一行的行号,然后从最后一行开始向上遍历,逐行检查该行是否为空行。如果该行为空行,则删除该行。通过使用 CountA 函数来确定行中是否存在任何非空单元格。Sub DeleteEmptyColumns()这个子过程用于删除工作表中的空列。它首先确定最后...
rnArea.Resize(, lnLastColumn - j).Select Application.ScreenUpdating = False End Sub 在运行代码前,先选择需要删除空行和空列的区域。如果要删除空行,则运行Delete_Empty_Rows(),指定区域中的空行将被删除。注意所谓空行是在指定区域中的,如果在指定区域内是空行,而在指定区域外不是空行,那么这些空行还是将会...
If you want to speed up the process of removing empty rows in Excel, you can use a shortcut key. First, select the row you want to delete. Then, press the “Ctrl” and “-” keys at the same time. This will bring up the “Delete” dialog box, where you can choose to delete ...
These shortcuts provide additional flexibility in selecting rows based on your specific needs, so you can perform calculations or formatting on a subset of data. Note.Be aware that this method only selectsnon-emptyrows. So, make sure to consider the presence of gaps in your dataset when using...
步骤一、打开excel,按ALT+F11组合建,调出VBA程序窗口 步骤二、在插入菜单中,选择模块,插入一个模块 步骤三、在新建模块中的代码窗口将以下代码复制进去 ‘删除空行 Sub DeleteEmptyRows()Dim LastRow As Long,r As Long LastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count LastRow = LastRow + ActiveShee...
Sub mynzDeleteEmptyRows()'此宏将删除特定列中缺失数据行 Dim Counter Dim i As Integer Counter = InputBox("输入要处理的总行数!")ActiveCell.Select For i = 1 To Counter If ActiveCell = "" Then Selection.EntireRow.Delete Counter = Counter - 1 Else ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select End If Nex...
SubDeleteEmptyRowsInSelection()Dim rng As Range Dim r As Long ' 检查选择区域是否为空 If Selection Is Nothing Then MsgBox"没有选择区域",vbExclamation,"提示"Exit Sub End If ' 获取选择区域的所有行号 Dim rows As Variant rows=Selection.rows ...
Step 1: Highlight all the columns and rows you want to swap and copy them. Use CTRL + C to copy the selected columns and rows. Step 2: Click an empty cell at your preferred spot for the new arrangement. Step 3: Right-click the same cell and select the paste option. ...
2、示例公式 ①首次记录 =XLOOKUP(1,--($B2:$H2<>""),$B2:$H2,"无",,1)②末次记录 =X...