PublicFunctionRupeeFormat(SNumAsString)'Updateby ExtendofficeDimxDPIntAsIntegerDimxArrPlaceAsVariantDimxRStr_PaisasAsStringDimxNumStrAsStringDimxFAsIntegerDimxTempAsStringDimxStrTempAsStringDimxRStrAsStringDimxLpAsIntegerxArrPlace=Array("",""," Thousand "," Lacs "," Crores "," Trillion ","",""...
PublicFunctionRupeeFormat(SNumAsString)'Updateby ExtendofficeDimxDPIntAsIntegerDimxArrPlaceAsVariantDimxRStr_PaisasAsStringDimxNumStrAsStringDimxFAsIntegerDimxTempAsStringDimxStrTempAsStringDimxRStrAsStringDimxLpAsIntegerxArrPlace=Array("",""," Thousand "," Lacs "," Crores "," Trillion ","",""...
Step 4 – Applying the User-Defined Function to Convert Numbers to Words in Excel in Rupees You will get a window ofthe Word function. Select the first number from columnB. ClickOK. The first number is converted to words in rupees. Use theFill Handletool and drag it down from cellC5toC...
Select the cell with the number value that you want to convert into words (In our case, cell B5). Hit the Enter button. You can use this formula just as any other so long as you’ve added the code to the sheet. Read More: How to Convert Number to Words in Excel in Rupees Method...
Convert numbers to words in Indian rupees with VBA code The following VBA code can help you to convert the numbers to words in rupees, please do as this: 1. Hold down the ALT + F11 keys to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window....
Excel does not provide any default function that converts a number or amount in words in Indian rupees or any currency. But it doesn't mean that we can't convert number to Indian rupee. We can create a custom Excel formula to convert number to words in Indian rupees. I have created ...
In an Excel sheet, stand on the cell in which you want the spelled number to appear: On the ribbon, go to theAblebits Toolstab, theUtilitiesgroup, and clickSpell Number: If theUtilitiesgroup is collapsed, click on it and selectSpell Numberin the dropdown: ...
How to quickly add comma between words in Excel? How to convert numbers to words in Indian rupees in Excel? How to spell out or convert numbers to English words in Excel? How to add comma between every single number in a cell of Excel? How to count unique values based on another colum...
Now you can use the functionSpellNumberin your Excel documents. Enter=SpellNumber(A2)into the cell where you need to get the number written in words. Here A2 is the address of the cell with the number or amount. Here you can see the result: ...
Hi Everyone! Hope You all having a good day!☺️Here I want to convert a number in a cell like (19201.7) into word means it will show in a cell which is...