Have you ever encountered a run time error 424 in Excel? If you do, this post may help you fix this object-required VBA error with several workable solutions. Read on to get your methods and how to fix Excel files once they are damaged.
在VBA代码中,我们经常会看到类似于On Error Resume Next这样的语句,这是编译器在代码遇到错误时自动...
题意分析: 将字符串倒着存入int数组中,每次加完后再取余除去大于10的部分 关键:倒着存入,这样会...
this error occurs. “Run-time error “438”: Object doesn’t support this property or method” indicates that the referring object doesn’t support the property or method when executing the Excel VBA.
Copper Contributor Feb 14, 2018 Hello, I used XMLTools for Excel 2003 with Excel 2007 (it says its compatible). Everything worked fine, but now I get a Errormassage saying: Runtime error '424', object requierd. How can I make... ...
Runtime Errors: A RUNTIME error occurs at the time of executing the code. It stops the code and shows you the error dialog box. Logical Error: It’s not an error but a mistake while writing code and sometimes can give you nuts while finding and correcting them. ...
But I got Run-time error : ‘424’, Object required while calling the ParseJSON Function. My JSON file is like that : [ { Id: "Travel_Claim" Name: "Travel Claim" Description: "To claim travel expenses" }, { Id: "Quotation" Name: "Quotation" Description: "Online Quotation" } ] ...
You will need to add "core-js" and "regenerator-runtime" to your dependencies and include the following requires in your code before the exceljs import: // polyfills required by exceljs require('core-js/modules/es.promise'); require('core-js/modules/es.string.includes'); require('core-...
throw new RuntimeException("异常信息:excel文件路径不能为空"); } int index = filePath.lastIndexOf("."); if (index == -1) { logger.info("ExcelUtils.java ->> getWorkbookByExtensionName() ->> 异常信息:filePath指定的文件不带有扩展名,不属于文件类型"); ...