Have you ever encountered a run time error 424 in Excel? If you do, this post may help you fix this object-required VBA error with several workable solutions. Read on to get your methods and how to fix Excel files once they are damaged.
在VBA代码中,我们经常会看到类似于On Error Resume Next这样的语句,这是编译器在代码遇到错误时自动...
题意分析: 将字符串倒着存入int数组中,每次加完后再取余除去大于10的部分 关键:倒着存入,这样会...
Run-time error ‘424’ occurs: Object Required You create a user-defined function in Excel 2010. The user-defined function uses the Excel4 function of the XLL API to obtain the name of the sheet where the current evaluating formula is located in. However, Excel returns the a...
When you try to execute the designed macro of MS Excel’s previous version into the latest MS Excel application, this error occurs. “Run-time error “438”: Object doesn’t support this property or method” indicates that the referring object doesn’t support the property or method when exe...
How to Fix Object Required (Error 424) in VBA Go to the Debug menu in your visual basic editor. Use the step to run the entire code step by step. The moment you reach the line where you have an error VBA will show you an error. ...
First time I did it, just replece your link with my actual link, but it doesn’t work. But VBA calls a run-time error ’13’: Type mismatch at string: Sheets(1).Cells(i, 1).Value = Item(“id”). I’m not a programmer, and I please you to help me, what I need to ...
I'm attempting to embed images with CDO mail, however I'm receiving VBA Run-time error 424 'Object Required' , which is breaking on line:Set objBP = objCDO.AddRelatedBodyPart(Server.MapPath("C:\images\Capature.JPG"), "myimage.gif", CdoReferenceTypeName)...
' 举例2: MsgBox CDate(43972) ' 5/21/2020 MsgBox CDate("12/25/2020") ' 1/15/2014 MsgBox DateValue("12/25/2020") ' 1/15/2014 MsgBox DateValue(43972) ' Throws a Type mismatch error(Run-time error 13) 总结: CDate和DateValue的区别:从上述 举例1 代码结果总结出,DateValue 只返回一个...
You will need to add "core-js" and "regenerator-runtime" to your dependencies and include the following requires in your code before the exceljs import: // polyfills required by exceljs require('core-js/modules/es.promise'); require('core-js/modules/es.string.includes'); require('core-...