运行宏 可通过多种方式在 Microsoft Excel 中运行宏。 宏是可用于自动执行任务的一个操作或一组操作。 宏以Visual Basic for Applications编程语言记录。 始终可以通过单击功能区上“开发工具”选项卡上的“宏”命令来运行宏。 根据分配宏运行的方式,还可以通过按组合 快捷键 、单击快速访问工具栏或功能区上的自定...
Excel uses CTRL+ shortcuts for itself, e.g. CTRL+C to Copy, or CTRL+V to Save. If you create a macro shortcut using these or other Excel shortcuts, you’ll overwrite the Excel shortcut until you re-assign the macro shortcut. Run a Macro from the VB Editor Macros can also be r...
有几种方法在 Microsoft Excel 中运行宏。 宏是可用于自动执行任务的操作或一组操作。 宏以新的编程语言Visual Basic for Applications录制。 始终可以通过单击功能区上"开发工具"选项卡上的"宏"命令来运行宏。 根据宏的运行方式,也可以按组合 快捷键 、单击快速访问工具栏上的按钮或功能区上的自定义组,或者单击...
假设想要隐藏,后面的。 点击顶部developer->record macro->给macro起个名字HideSheets 添加一个shortcut key,注意不要和现有的冲突,会overwrite,一般属于一个大写字母即可。 This workbook 则宏只对这个文件有效,personal macro workbook对整个电脑里的文件有效。 填写description 选中第二个sheets,按住shift选择最后一个s...
If you want to use a shortcut key to run your macro, enter the key you want to use in the Shortcut Key box. A shortcut key is a sequence of keystrokes that can be used to run the macro. For example, if you enter Shift+F, then pressing Ctrl+Shift+F will cause your macro to ...
You can run a Macro in Excel by clicking the macros command on the Developer tab, using a combination shortcut key, by clicking on a graphic object, etc.
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To make the macro easy to run, you can use a shortcut key.On the View tab of the Ribbon, click the Macros arrow, and click View Macros. Select the FormatCurrency macro in the list, and then click the Options button. The Macro Options dialog box allows you to change the macro’s ...
Step 1: Open the Excel workbook containing the macro you want to run. Step 2: Press the shortcut key that you assigned to the macro during the recording process. Excel will execute the recorded actions instantly. Press the shortcut key ...