Method 1 – Customizing Number Format to Round up Decimals You can directly customize the number format to round up decimals. However, it won’t round up every time; it depends on the decimal values. If the decimal value is 5 or more, the preceding value will be increased by 1. For ...
Method-3 – Using the ROUND Function to Format Sales Values as Millions with One Decimal In this section, we’ll leverage theROUNDfunction along with theAmpersandoperator to change the format of large sales values to millions with one decimal place. Enter the following formula in cellE4: =ROU...
As we used the Round function to restrict and round off the value to 3 decimal places, we saw that the function did exactly that and returned the value “110.949”. The last digit being 9 is because the digit before 8 was 5, so the function added one to the last digit and displayed ...
Here we want to round off a number to 1 digit. So we use the ROUND Formula in cell C2. After using this formula, the answer is shown below. Drag the same formula in cell C2 to cell C7. Here the function will round off the number to one digit to the right of the decimal. The ...
=ROUND(number, num_digits) The Round Function in Excel consists of two arguments: Number: The first argument is Number; at the place of the number, you should input your targeted numerical value or place value of the number you want to round to a specific decimal place. ...
This is simply because the cell formatting is to one decimal place. Let’s say I wanted to round the number 2.489 to 2 decimal places. My formulas would read: =ROUND(2.489,2) would give you 2.49 =ROUNDUP(2.489,2) would give you 2.49 =ROUNDDOWN(2.489,2) would give you 2.48 Ok, ...
Comments on: How to round numbers in Excel: ROUND, ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN functions by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on May 3, 2023 The tutorial explains the uses of ROUND, ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN, FLOOR, CEILING, MROUND and other Excel rounding functions and provides formula examples to round decimal ...
Num_digits - specifies the number of digits to which you want to round number. Returns Double Remarks If num_digits is greater than 0 (zero), then number is rounded to the specified number of decimal places. If num_digits is 0, then number is rounded to the nearest integer....
Rounding to the nearest whole number is not always ideal. Sometimes, more precision is needed—just not too much. Let’s look at how you can use Excel’s ROUND function to round decimals. Let’s use the weight table again. This time, we want to round each cat’s weight to two decim...
} f = Math.round(x*100)/100; return f; } 制保留2位小数,如:2,会在2后面补上00.即2.00 function toDecimal2(x) { var f = parseFloat(x); if (isNaN(f)) { return false; } var f = Math.round(x*100)/100; var s = f.toString(); var rs = s...