Excel RGB color scheme is (16, 121, 63) for Excel green, (24, 92, 55) for dark green, (33, 163, 102) for jungle green, (51, 196, 129) for shamrock green, and (255, 255, 255) for white. Excel’s color palette as RGB can be found below. Excel RGB color code for Excel g...
1.打开excel表,选中目标单元格,右键,然后点击“设置单元格格式”。2.在弹出的窗口中选择“填充”选项卡,再单击“其他颜色”按钮,如图所示。3.在“颜色”窗口中选择“自定义”,然后便可看到当前颜色的信息了,如图,颜色信息可表示为RGB(161,185,117)。Microsoft Office是一套由微软公司开发的办公...
在模块1里:Function GetColor(colorName As String) As Long Dim colorDict As Object Set colorDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") colorDict("白") = rgb(255, 255, 255) colorDict("白色") = rgb(255, 255, 255) colorDict("White") = rgb(255, 255, 255) 此处略去100...
colorDictCode = "" Next End Sub 简单解释一下代码: 其实这个自定义函数很简单,ChatGPT开始给出的代码是这样的: Function GetColorByName(colorName As String) As Long Select Case colorName Case "Red" GetColorByName = RGB(255, 0, 0) Case "Green" GetColorByName = RGB(0, 255, 0) Case "Blue...
=GetRGBvalue(B5,"rgb") By applying the custom formula in cellD15,we can retrieve the RGB color value of the black cell (B15), which is0,0,0. By using the same formula and replacing “RGB” with “index“, the index value of the color code can be returned. ...
FunctionGetColor(colorName As String)AsLongDimcolorDictAsObjectSetcolorDict=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")colorDict("白")=rgb(255,255,255)colorDict("白色")=rgb(255,255,255)colorDict("White")=rgb(255,255,255)...此处略去100行colorDict("青绿")=rgb(127,255,212)colorDict("青绿色")=rgb(...
RGB颜色模式 RGB色彩模式是工业界的一种颜色标准,是通过对红(R)、绿(G)、蓝(B)三个颜色通道的变化以及它们相互之间的叠加来得到各式各样的颜色的,RGB即是代表红、绿、蓝三个通道的颜色,这个标准几乎包括了人类视力所能感知的所有颜色,是目前运用最广的颜色系统之一。 原理: RGB是从颜色发光的原理来设计定的...
Let's apply colors using HEX and RGB codes.Apply HEX code #ffcb05 to A7:F7:Step by step:Select A7:F7 Open color options Click More colors Insert #ffcb05 in the HEX input field Hit enterNotice that applying the HEX code gives the RGB code for the same color, and shows where that ...
Method 3 – Inserting RGB Color Code You can also use theRGB color codeto customize font colors using VBA in Excel. RGB stands for red, green, and blue, and it allows you to create custom colors. Follow these steps: Insert a New Module: ...
Toremovea color, select the target color next to 'Find what' then click the 'No Color' in the Fill tab of the 'Replace Format' dialog. Remove or replace cell formats in Excel Toreplacea color, simply use the color palette or click 'More colors' and enter RGB color codes. Please note...