Excel 是一款强大的数据分析和处理工具,其中一项常见任务是从给定日期中提取星期几。无论您是管理日程安排、分析趋势还是准备报告,了解如何从日期得出星期几都非常有用。以下是一份详细指南,可帮助您高效地从任何日期返回星期几。 使用文本函数返回日期中的星期几 使用Kutools for Excel 从日期返回星期几 使用格式单元格...
=WEEKNUM(date, [return_type]) date:您要從中獲取周數的日期。 return_type: 可選的。 一個數字,它確定一周的開始日期。 默認數字為1。(表示星期從星期日開始) DATE:此功能用於將來自不同單元格的年,月和日數字組合為有效日期。 return_type的數字表示一周的開始時間: 更多竅門:對於WEEKNUM功能,使用兩種不...
Return_type(optional) - is a number that determines which day of the week shall be considered the first day. You can find the complete list of available return types in the following tutorial:Day of the week function in Excel. And here are a few WEEKEND formula examples: =WEEKDAY(A2)- ...
Please use below formula to get the day name from the date in cell B4: =CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(B4),"su","mo","tu","we","th","fr","sa") PressEnterkey to get the result. Explanation WEEKDAYfunction: gets day of the week as a number (1 to 7) from the given date. ...
To return the full name of the day such as "Monday" or "Tuesday", the formula is: =TEXT(A3, "dddd") To get a shorter version of the day names like "Mon" or "Tue", use this day of week code: =TEXT(A3, "ddd") PressEnter, and cell B3 will display the day name corresponding...
The formula can returntwo-digitresults exclusively by specifying“dd”. =TEXT(C11,"dd") dddreturns the day inabbreviatedform: =TEXT(C11,"ddd") ddddreturns thefull day’s name: =TEXT(C11,"dddd") Method 3 – Using WEEKDAY Function to Convert Date to Day ...
This will return the workdays of the week. Read More: How to AutoFill Months in Excel Method 3 – Autofill Workdays Based on a Date with Excel WORKDAY and SEQUENCE Functions Steps: Select the range of cells (C5:C10). Right-click on the range and select Format Cells. The Format Cells...
Return_type - 一个数字,确定一个星期从哪一天开始。 默认值为 1。 返回 Double 注解 重要提示: WeekNum 函数将包含 1 月 1 日的第一周视为一年中的第一周。 但有一个欧洲标准将第一周定义为周内多数天数(四天以上)都在新的一年。 这意味着,对于 1 月第一周有三天或更少的年份, WeekNum 函数返回...
4. And then clickOKbutton to return to the Sort dialog, and then clickOKto close it. And your days of week have been sorted from Sunday to Saturday. See screenshot: Note: if you want to sort the days of week from Monday to Sunday, you just need to enter your data list into the...