Select the range of cells where you want to replace spaces (B2:B7), and in the Menu, go to Edit > Find and replace (or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + H). In the pop-up window, (1) enter space in the Find box and (2) underscore (_) in the Replace with box. The, (3)...
Note: - Spaces and other special characters except underscore and period are not allowed as names. By default, it will be converted into underscore. So, use underscore character and period to separate words. Also, the first letter cannot be a number; it must be a letter, an underscore or ...
The name of the active sheet is cleaned up -- spaces are removed, and periods are replaced with underscores. 'replace spaces and periods in sheet name strName = Replace(wsA.Name, " ", "") strName = Replace(strName, ".", "_") File Path The file path, revised sheet name, and the...
Excel names cannot contain spaces and most punctuation characters. A name must begin with a letter, underscore (_), or backslash (\). If a name begins with anything else, Excel will throw an error. Excel names are case-insensitive. For example, "Apples", "apples" and "APPLES" will be ...
the SUBSTITUTE function replaces spaces (”“) in the text in F5 with an underscore (_). Output:“New_York” ➤ INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(F5, ”“, “_”)) The INDIRECT function creates a reference using the text returned by the SUBSTITUTE function. Output: {“New York City”;”Buffalo”;...
Replace tags with spaces " ", not empty strings: =RegExpReplace(A5, "<[^>]*>", " ") Reduce multiple spaces to a single space character: =RegExpReplace(RegExpReplace(A5, "<[^>]*>", " "), " +", " ") Trim leading and trailing spaces: ...
In the formula, theSUBSTITUTEfunction replaces spaces in theF4reference with anunderscore(_). You can use other characters to replace spaces in defined names and similarly in theINDIRECTformula. TheINDIRECTfunction converts theF4entry similar to the assigned names. Depending onF4values, theINDIRECT...
Don’t use a space to separate wordsSpaces can’t be used in the name. You can use the underscore character (_) and period (.) as word separators. For example, DeptSales, Sales_Tax or First.Quarter. Use no more than 255 charactersA table name can have up to 255 chara...
c# to jQuery replace " with double quote C# To Open Access Database C# to OpenOffice Calc C# to POST HTTP with XML C# to query SQL and store results in a variable C# to read S.M.A.R.T. information of SSD C# to run code based on day of week C# to select only excel ...
excelColumn.ColumnName // otherwise set the excel column to whatever // the row says it should be : rowColumn // trim leading/trailing spaces, and // replace linefeeds and embedded spaces // with underscores ).Trim().ReplaceNonAlphaNumeric('_'); } // Delete the header row - i do ...