選擇要顯示反轉名稱的列中的第一個儲存格 (B2在我們的例子中),然後輸入公式: =REPLACE(A2,1,SEARCH(" ",A2),"")&", "&LEFT(A2,SEARCH(" ",A2)-1) Copy 小提示:在提供的公式中,確保替換A1與包含您想要反轉的名稱的實際儲存格參考。 拖曳單元格右下角的填充柄B2向下將公式套用至所有相關儲存格。 提...
To remove leading characters from the left side of a string, you also use the REPLACE or RIGHT and LEN functions, but specify how many characters you want to delete every time: REPLACE(string, 1,num_chars, "") Or RIGHT(string, LEN(string) -num_chars) For instance, to removefirst 2 c...
3.FIND("@","Excel is an useful@tool"): Find the location of character "@". The result of find is 12. 4.MID(B5,12+1,100): The MID function extracts a specific number of characters starting at the position of 13 from the text string in B5. Here number 100 can guarantee you the...
As a result, the specified characters will be removed from the left side of each value. Method 4 – Using the SUBSTITUTE Function Unlike the other methods, we’ll utilize theSUBSTITUTEfunction to replace specific characters from the left side of a text value with an empty string. Formula Synt...
Method 4 – Applying the REPLACE Function to Substitute Multiple Characters Below, we will substitute ‘Face’ for ‘Fact’ using the Replace Function. Step 1: Enter the following formula in cellD5: =REPLACE(B5, 4, 1,"t") Step 2: ...
ReplaceChars(text, old_chars, new_chars) Where: Text- the original strings Old- the characters to search for New- the characters to replace with To give it a field test, let's do something that is often performed on imported data - replace smart quotes and smart apostrophes with straight...
“YY” part of the formula is the cell location, “1” indicates the first character in the cell, “X” is the number of characters to remove, and “” indicates the replacement value. So if you wanted to remove the first two characters in cell A1, then the formula would be=REPLACE(...
Text: Replaces characters within text REPT function Text: Repeats text a given number of times RIGHT, RIGHTB functions Text: Returns the rightmost characters from a text value ROMAN function Math and trigonometry: Converts an arabic numeral to roman, as text ROUND function Math and trigono...
ExcelScript.Range getLastRow() 获取区域内的最后一行。 例如,“B2:D5”的最后一行是“B5:D5”。 TypeScript 复制 getLastRow(): Range; 返回 ExcelScript.Range getLeft() 返回从工作表左边缘到区域左边缘的 100% 缩放的距离(以磅为单位)。 TypeScript 复制 getLeft(): number; 返回 number get...
Excel 2013: how to display tab and other non-printing characters Excel 2016 - "Document not saved" error when saving on network share Excel 2016 - Com Add-In: Inquire - Not loaded. A runtime error occurred during the loading of the COM Add-In. Excel 2016 - Error message, "Microsoft ...