在本节中,我将教您如何使用内置的 Excel 函数对列表进行随机排序。 使用RAND 函数随机化列表 任何Excel 版本的用户都可以使用兰德借助排序功能,请按照以下步骤操作。 第一步:输入RAND公式 选择要随机化的列表顶部单元格旁边的单元格,输入下面的 RAND 公式,然后按输入. ...
Performing random sort is a quick and easy way to ensure that you end up with all cases turning up with equal probability. In this tutorial, we will talk about how to easily randomize, or shuffle a list in Excel in a few steps. Randomize a list with functions RAND RANDARRAY, SORTBY an...
在本節中,我將教您如何使用內置的 Excel 函數對列表進行隨機排序。 使用RAND 函數隨機化列表 任何Excel 版本的用戶都可以使用RAND功能的幫助下分類功能,請按照以下步驟操作。 第一步:輸入RAND公式 選擇要隨機化的列表頂部單元格旁邊的單元格,輸入下面的 RAND 公式,然後按Enter. ...
How to Randomize a List in Excel Into Groups: 5 Suitable Ways How to Shuffle Data in Excel (7 Simple Methods) How to Select a Random Sample in Excel (4 Methods) How to Randomize Rows in Excel (2 Easy Ways)About ExcelDemy.com ExcelDemy is a place where you can learn Excel, and get...
Method 5 – Using the CHOOSE and the RANDBETWEEN Functions to Randomize a List Click here to enlarge the image Use the formula below. =CHOOSE(RANDBETWEEN(1,4),"A","B","C","D") Formula Breakdown RANDBETWEEN(1,4): generates a random integer between 1 and 4, which serves as the inde...
All cells in the range- randomize all cells in the selected range. Click theShufflebutton. In this example, we need to shuffle cells in column A, so we go with the third option: And voilà, our list of names is randomized in no time: ...
Now in the sort options dialog box, select “Row1” and at the end, click OK. And the moment you click OK, you’ll get the columns sorted in random order. So, this is how you can use randomize a list of values in Excel using a random sort method....
=INDEX($A$2:$A$7,RANDBETWEEN(1,6)) I drag down the formula to the desired position and I get random data to do some practice work. So yeah guys! This is the way you can randomize a list in Excel. Feel free to ask the question in the comments section below. ...
If the returned number by the RANDBETWEEN function exceeds the number of values in the list, then the function returns error. Hope this article about How to Randomize List in Microsoft Excel is explanatory. Find more articles on generating random numbers or date values here. If you liked our ...
Volatile Randomize If IsMissing(Decimals) Or Decimals = 0 Then RandomNumbers = Int((Num2 + 1 - Num1) * Rnd + Num1) Else RandomNumbers = Round((Num2 - Num1) * Rnd + Num1, Decimals) End If End Function Copy 3. Then, close the code and go back to the worksheet, in a ...